The research paper will be about a topic of your choice related to your degree. I chose inhaler techniques and patient compliance. I will upload my introduction and my references for help.
please use the introduction file that I uploaded to help with the paper, include other relevant subtopics and then end with a conclusion. Also I need the references that are uploaded (file name References-paper) Is the correct one. Please use those to also complete the paper.
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Dry Powder Inhalers (DPIs) contain tiny powdered medication particles delivered to the airways on a deep, strong inhalation. For proper use, patients should always read the instruction manuals. The multi-dose inhaler does not require the loading of the dosage, for it is preloaded. However, for single dose-inhalers, the patient must load a capsule into the chamber. The patient should administer the dosage in an upright position after emptying the lungs. The patient should position the mouthpiece in the mouth with the lips firmly holding the inhaler’s mouthpiece, followed with a quick and forceful breath. The patient should then remove the DPI from the mouth, hold the breath for five to ten seconds, then exhale slowly (Asthma & Allergy Network, 2019). The patient should repeat the process should there be a need, and in case the capsule is not fully inhaled, the patient should inhale again until the capsule is empty. Finally, the patient should clean the device with a dry cloth and store it in a dry place.