
Obesity Screening and Counseling in Texas


Present the selected problem in a power point ( no less than 20 slides) and identify the population group chosen for the project. Submit an analysis of priorities for health prevention and disease prevention according to “Healthy People 2020”.



Write an argbased on the three points given below. Feel free to use any source needed. Also, each point should be justified and supported by facts.

Personal well being


Review the document linked below containing the manual of the Personal Wellbeing Index – Adult (PWI-A). The manual describes the process of defining and measuring Quality of Life and the problems with measuring subjective wellbeing.



Select an economist from the Noted Economists found in the Lessons Tab. (I will send the list once assigned)

Reflective journal


Identify an anatomical or physiological concept on the muscles or case study which may be related to contemporary issues and technologies in the news. For example, you may choose an article on a disease or disorder, research a test or treatment procedure, discuss medications, etc. Do an internet search for the article. Then, summarize the anatomical or physiological concept and the news item in an essay that is no longer than 250 words (do a word count in your word processing program). If you go a bit over or under that’s okay. Upload your document into Canvas as a doc, docx or PDF. You must provide a citation for your article. If you do not, you will not receive credit.



Choose Topic: Psychology
Select number of pages: 1
Question Description: Your laboratory assignment this week is to create an educational PowerPoint presentation as if you were presenting to your classmates on one of the topics listed below:

Adlerian Principles Synchronous


Adlerian Principles Synchronous Part 1 View the video resource from Dr. Jay Colker and related resource material. Then, respond to the following prompts: Identify the main ideas presented in the […]

One Family—Many Issues


Discussion: One Family—Many Issues:  The multimedia piece this week, “The Four Cs of Issues and Trends: Change, Contexts, Consequences, and Constants,” introduced the four “categories” of issues and trends included in this course:

Compare and contrast two change theories


Compare and contrast two change theories, and determine which theory makes the most sense for implementing your specific EBP project. (The effect of nutrition in our health).

Big Five Personality Model to Bill Gates


Write a 3 page paper (APA style, double spaced) by applying the Big Five Personality Model to Bill Gates. The paper should also assess how much if any of the Dark Triad applies. The big 5 are (taken from Organizational Behavior):

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