Children’s atomicity.

Imagine that your school’s administrators recently reported disappointing results on the state standardized test.

  • What techniques will you recommend to the grade level team to support children’s automaticity, speed, prosody, and high frequency word knowledge? Provide examples.
  • What are some specific strategies you might use to scaffold reading comprehension? What are some things you are already doing in your classroom that reflect evidence-based practices for teaching comprehension? Explain and provide specific examples to support your response.
  • What are some ways that you would suggest to increase the students’ vocabulary?

Answer preview

follow along.  Then, they should read the same passage several times together.  Also, educators should use reading drills. Albino (2017) highlights that practice makes words more familiar to learners.  In this technique, a teacher can create flashcards with various words for terms to identify and build a story for each word. This strategy improves learners’ automaticity and speed while reading, thus enhancing their content comprehension.  Lastly, educators can employ a guided reading technique.  In this strategy, students are encouraged to think about certain words’ meanings, which makes them familiar with those words.  For instance, teachers can tell students to think about the meanings of some common words they encounter in their daily life.

[806 Words]

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