Here are some topics which might be of interest, which are examples of how occupational health has led to a greater understanding of disease and better health practices:
Milk Maids (cow pox and Edward Jenner)
Waterbury Clock Company (the Radon/Radium Girls)
Marine Hospital Service (Public Health Service)
Edwin Chadwick (sanitation)
Louis Pasteur (greatly improved pre- and post-work conditions)
Upton Sinclair (Meat Inspection Act [1906] – came out of The Jungle)
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Several factors contributed to the wide success of the vaccine as developed by Jenner. Among them was the mass vaccination of farmers to prove its viability. The vaccine had to be tested on a large group of people at the same time to find the person with the right sequence of infections (Schrick et al., 2017). The ‘right’ sequence involved a condition of cowpox, which is shortly followed by smallpox, without a prior infection of smallpox in the individual’s early life. The vaccine was effective in most cases, and if an individual did not become immune after several inoculations, it was assumed they had a pre-existing smallpox infection. Jenner’s research formed the genesis of vaccination and the more extensive research, experimentation, and development of better vaccines to date.