Assignment 3: The Grant Proposal (minimum 1250 words, plus budget) 20% of final course grade, due week 7
Congratulations! You’ve just been promoted to the position of grant writer for your workplace. Your first task is to write a $20,000 proposal for instructional technology integration. P lease note that you can only spend up to $12,000.00 on hardware; the rest must be spent on software, other items and tools, staff development, and technical support.
Your proposal should include: a concise executive overview, a statement of educational and curricular needs the proposal addresses, statement of specific proposal goals and objectives (remember goals are general and objectives are measurable), actual or proposed partnerships that will/could support the grant initiative, an explanation of the implementation plan, a budget that identifies costs in categories, e.g., hardware, software, technical support, staff development, etc., and a budget narrative that explains the costs in detail.
In the implementation plan, provide examples of best practices based on principles of adult learning theory to support the choices made in the proposed grant. P edagogical and fiscal rationales for proposed curricular purchases and examples of appropriate types of staff development, i.e. online, in person during the school day or after school must be included, cited, and referenced.
In the budget narrative, make sure to discuss costs related to staff development, scheduling, and maintenance. Outline plans and guidelines to configure software/computer/technology systems in the classroom cluster and labs to use and share grant resources. Discuss scheduling and cost issues.
We plan to partner with local businesses and community organizations to support this grant initiative. Partnering with community organizations and businesses will provide us with more resources, such as donations, volunteer time, and access to technology expertise. We will also strive to work with the district technology department at Mississippi t to ensure that the technology tools we purchase align with district guidelines and policies. We are also planning to partner with other educational institutions and schools that have successfully implemented the technology to learn from their experience and expertise. Local universities and colleges will also provide the teachers with the necessary know-how and skills on how to use and implement the technology. The parents will also be engaged in the grant initiative, and the necessary