APA (current edition) formatting used with in-text citations and references when applicable.
2.Your work will be evaluated on the following criteria. (3 points/6%)
For writing assistance (APA, formatting, or grammar) visit the Writing Center.
Please note that your instructor may provide you with additional assessments in any form to determine that you fully understand the concepts learned in the review module.
Requirements: A completion of the charts listed about medication and disorders and a 300 word analysis/reflection that discusses what was stated in the charts.
In the assignment there are PDF charts that discuss what should be in them, and after that there is a brief 300 word analysis on what was discusses in the PDF’s. Also, if there are any citations a citation page is required.
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allergies before prescribing the medicine as it can bring severe side effects. Penicillin interacts badly with methotrexate used for treating psoriasis, cancer, and arthritis. Mixing penicillin with any of those medications can cause a range of serious side effects. Nevertheless, it is very effective when bacteria multiply to form a cell wall. Penicillin should be kept in a tight container, at room temperature and out of children’s reach. If it is in the form of a solution, it should be kept in the fridge but not more than fourteen days.