MGT560 – Leadership Management

MGT560 – Leadership Management

Through followership, individuals follow a leader willingly. For example, in organizations, employees are considered followers while team leads, supervisors, and managers are considered leaders. In organizations, most employees willingly accept following leaders to help them achieve their goals.

In the table below, from Northouse (2022, p. 354), we can see the typologies of followership. The behaviors associated with these noted typologies describe the behaviors of followers.

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Zaleznik behaviors of a follower include an impulsive follower, and impulsive followers are those who challenge leaders. Impulsive followers challenge the leaders and are often creative, constructive, and courageous. They often need to be creative; however, impulsive followers are often regarded as controlling and wanting to lead rather than be led. Exemplary followers, according to Keller, are followers that are active both in engagement and independent critical thinking (Northouse, 2021). The followers are independent in their thinking and are always ready to challenge their leaders and provide alternative solutions to issues and problems.

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