social movement

social movement

Your course project will focus on a particular social movement that has had an impact on American society. Examples of potential topics include the Abolitionist (Anti-Slavery) Movement, the Civil Rights Movement, the Women’s Rights Movement, the Environmental Movement, and the Anti-Apartheid Movement.

This week you will submit the proposal for your course project. It should include the following components:

  1. Description of the social movement you have chosen, why you have chosen it, what you already know about it, and what you hope to learn through your research.
  2. One-page, double spaced.
  3. Title page that includes the working title for your project.
  4. Reference list with at least three scholarly sources about your topic.

Answer Preview

The National Organization for Women Foundation (NOW) is dedicated to attaining full equality for women through litigation and education. It focuses on a wide range of women’s rights issues such as economic justice, racial discrimination, payment equity, women’s health, women with…

(319 Words)

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