
World ViewChart Writing Assignment

World ViewChart Writing Assignment


Choose ONE (1) category (origin of all things, nature of god, view of human nature, view of good and evil, etc.) from the chart to focus on for this assignment. Consider how the selected category relates to all of the religions covered and to your own social or work experiences.

Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you:

  1. Select ONE (1) category from the completed World View Chart. Provide a rationale for choosing this category. What is compelling about this category? Why is it important in the study of religion?
  2. Describe the selected content and explain the significance of the selected category across all of the religions studied. Show in what ways the category is significant for each religion.
  3. Give an example of how you have noticed this category in your life, town or country. What impact does this category have in the everyday lives of people who practice religion in your area? (You do not have to give examples of all the religions in your area, just one you have noticed besides any you practice). For example, in Cincinnati, Ohio we have Hindu, Greek Orthodox, Catholic festivals in the summer. So if my category were “Festivals and Celebrations” I could use those events as my example.
  4. Use at least three (3) quality resources as references for the assignment and document your sources using APA Style for in-text citations and references. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.
  5. Write clearly and coherently using correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, and mechanics.

Your assignment must:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Analyze what is meant by religion.
  • Analyze the similarities and differences in the primary beliefs held by major religious traditions and the cultures in which these religions evolved.
  • Describe the varieties of religious experience and practice in a wide range of cultures.
  • Recognize how daily life within various religions and current affairs are influenced by religion.
  • Develop written pieces that demonstrate an analysis of a topic relevant to the course.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in religion.
  • Write clearly and concisely about world religions using proper writing mechanics.

World ViewChart Writing Assignment Read More »

The topic of this week’s lesson is on evolution

The topic of this week’s lesson is on evolution



Discussion needs to be 250 words

The topic of this week’s lesson is on evolution. CSU is a Christian college and believes as an institution on the origin of life as from God. As a student of CSU, do you think that it is important to learn about evolution and should an alternative to evolution be taught as well? Please bring in your life experience on what you were taught in school. This is a controversial subject, so please be respectful of everyone’s comments

The topic of this week’s lesson is on evolution Read More »

Discuss week 4

Discuss week 4


Regional Economic Integration (half page)


What are the economic and political arguments for regional economic integration? Given these arguments, why don’t we see more substantial examples of integration in the world economy?

Currency Flows and Regional Economic Integration (half page)

This week we studied currency rates, flows, and regimes as well as regional economic integration. As you think about how countries manage those currency flows, do you think that those policies adopted by individual countries are impacted by the onset of regional economic integration activities? Do you think that it impacts the Purchase Price Parity (PPP) and overall currency exchange rates?

Discuss week 4 Read More »

Food Culture

Food Culture

The Abominable Pig – Questions to consider and take notes

In your out of class journal, please answer at least three of the six above questions. You pick which questions you would like to answer. Like the last out of class journal, it should be a minimum of 500 words and please provide a word count.

Food Culture Read More »

Arab heritages

Arab heritages


1. Give an overview of the Inhabited localities and topography of the Appalachian and Arab heritage.

2. Discuss any similarities in the beliefs of the Appalachian and Arab heritages regarding the delivery of healthcare.

3. How the religion or folks beliefs influence the delivery of healthcare in these two heritages.

You must cite or quote at least two evidence-based references (besides the class textbook) no older than 5 years old. Two replies to any or yours peers sustained with the proper reference (s) are required. An example of how to present the first page is attached for your guidance.

A minimum of 600 words excluding the first and references page is required.

Arab heritages Read More »

between 300 – 600 words

between 300 – 600 words


Watch the video titled Religion and Babies, which I have posted in External Links. Once you have watched the video answer the following questions in discussion board.

What type of research does Hans Rosling use to develop his model that he showcases in this video? While it is popular to believe that countries need to get wealthy (per capita income rise) in order to bring down the birth rate, Hans Rosling shows that this direct relationship is not necessarily true. What are the most important factors that need to be present for national birth rates to fall ? Finally, what does this research tell us about the relationship between religion and babies?

between 300 – 600 words Read More »

Write the Journal about Rowlandson and answer the Discussion of Young Goodman Brown

Write the Journal about Rowlandson and answer the Discussion of Young Goodman Brown

Hello Dears,

1. Please write the Journal about Rowlandson. By using the blow link.

First read the provided link than write the journal by length of 420 words.

2. Answer the discussion of Young Goodman Brown.

Link for reading is below

What is the main theme of this work? What passage best represents this theme?

Why does Young Goodman Brown go into the woods?

What role does religion play in this work?

How is this reading an example of the journey motif?

Write the Journal about Rowlandson and answer the Discussion of Young Goodman Brown Read More »

African history

African history

I attach the article here:

Write ONE FULL PAGE ESSAY answering the following questions with citations of the author of the article selected. You will get half of the points IF THERE ARE NO CITATIONS of the author and page cited. You can use APA or MLA citation systems for this essay.

Which author and article (Religion) you selected from the textbook for your essay?

African history Read More »

Art History 1A: Carolingian and Ottonian Art and Architecture

Art History 1A: Carolingian and Ottonian Art and Architecture


In the Gardner text (or equivalent), read the following pages: pp. “Carolingian Art,” pp. 161-169; “Ottonian Art,” pp. 166-169.

Book: Gardner’s Art Through Ages, Fourth Edition

Author: Fred S. Kleiner


PowerPoint presentation on Carolingian and Ottonian Art and Architecture: (you’ll likely need to cut & paste into your browser:–DM3TtSVsASDUPd8W461KaKs0nMb-_JbnR7kVXEHNlPzZ7sTYLPMqIVX1jaePcoNPjX5bAhQ?autoplay=true&startTime=1589491208000 (Links to an external site.)


  1. Distinguish between the Palatine Chapel and St. Michael’s. In what ways are they similar? How are they different?
  2. The Hildesheim bishop commissioned 2 large works for placement in his church. What were these? Why are they significant?

Art History 1A: Carolingian and Ottonian Art and Architecture Read More »

Choose the denominationyouwant to learn more about

Choose the denominationyouwant to learn more about

to choose a denomination unfamiliar to you, and begin to curate a digital archive on this denomination. This week, I want you to choose the denomination you want to study (from the list I provide in the syllabus, or anotherdenomination – butpleasecheck with mefirstifyouchoose a denominationnot on the list). In 300-500 words, tell me why do youwant to study this particular denomination? What is it that seems interesting to you? What do you hope to learn?

Dominations to choose from:

Southern Baptists

African American Evangelical

Unitarian Universalist

United Church

Episcopalian Church

Greek Orthodox




FourSquare Church

Assemblies ofGod

Evangelical Christianity in United States

Seventh Day Adventist

Church ofLatter-Day Saints (Mormon)

Holiness Churches

Lutheran Church

Choose the denominationyouwant to learn more about Read More »

Field? Discipline? What is the Study of Religion Anyway?

Field? Discipline? What is the Study of Religion Anyway?

Field? Discipline? What is the Study of Religion Anyway?

Summary Part 1:

“The academic study of religion is fundamentally an anthropological enterprise. That is, it is primarily concerned with studying people (anthropos is an ancient Greek term meaning “human being”; logos means “word” or a “rational, systematic discourse”), their beliefs, behaviors, and institutions, rather than assessing “the truth” or “truths” of their various beliefs or behaviors.”
Dr. Russell T. McCutcheon

For this section of the summaries, review the video and article listed in the syllabus for this week. Then do a Google search for one of the following religions: Cuban Santeria, Haitian Vodou, Brazilian Candomble, Santo Daime, or Wicca, and attach “anthropolgy” to your chosen religion. Then, once you enter the information into Google, you will go to the NEWS tab for your results. Find a short news item and write a 150 word opinion piece on how anthropology is used to study the religion of your choice.

Think about the following statement and incorporate its ideas into your writing:

The anthropological study of religion attends to religious life via the study of everyday practices. Rather than understanding religion as a set of beliefs, anthropologists examine the ways that practices and belief are constitutive of each other via a broad spectrum of representations, embodiments and ethical and social practices. These everyday practices are constituted by and constituting of many aspects of social life including gender, desire, performance, politics and power. Anthropologists thus recognize that religious life is a thoroughly social practice, and yet identifiable as transformative and sometimes mysterious subject of investigation.

People living in the West tend to have a clear idea of what religion should look like: it tends to take place in a building set aside for the purpose (a church, synagogue, mosque, temple etc.), revolves around appeals to a higher, all-powerful deity and involves the articulation of beliefs (often set down in texts) to which the general population may or may not subscribe. Anthropologists have studied such religions, but they have also examined contexts where religious practice looks very different. In many cultures and societies, the idea of a single God may not be present, and the notion of reading a sacred book like the Koran or the Bible would seem very strange, not least because writing and reading may not play any part in people’s lives. Even the western notion of ‘belief’ does not make much sense in contexts where ideas about gods and spirits are taken for granted and are not challenged by other faiths or the conclusions of the natural sciences.

Anthropologists of religion are not concerned with discovering the truth or falsehood of religion. They are more interested in how religious ideas express a people’s cosmology, i.e. notions of how the universe is organized and the role of humans within the world. Many study rituals which incorporate symbols and note how these often help to bring communities together in times of crisis or special points in the calendar. The actions of religious specialists, whether these are priests, prophets, shamans or spirit mediums are also examined. In many societies, such specialists have important political and economic as well as religious roles to play.

EXTRA CREDIT: Per our Zoom today, 30 June 2020, defining the following list and writing 200 words about religion and tolerance will earn you an extra 15 points within this assignment. Also, integrate any of the terms into your extra credit writing that you find are useful to your argument:

Participant observation
Observant participation
Oral history
Field notes
Archival research
Random sample

Layout and Design:

Writing 200 words total for Summary Part 1, and complying fully with the following criteria makes for a successful assignment:

  • Typed in Times New Roman in a 12pt font
  • double-spaced
  • numbered pages
  • appropriate heading (name, class, date, professor’s name, topic)
  • creative title (use your imagiantion and create a cool title)
  • use of literature and citations if applicable
  • your grade will reflect grammatical inaccuracies in your work.

Yes I will send you the link for the video and article.

3 hours ago

Field? Discipline? What is the Study of Religion Anyway? Read More »

Out of Comfort Zone Assessment Activity

Out of Comfort Zone Assessment Activity

Activity: miccosukee tribe culture understanding

You will need to complete the activity with the population or immerse yourself in an environment that will help you become more comfortable with the identified population and/or help you dispel some stereotypes by gaining more knowledge.

Write at least 2 pages APA format paper that discusses each of the following:

  1. The activity or interaction that promoted personal growth with date and place where the experience took place and a brief description of the setting.
  2. (interview of an individual, attendance at a religious service, visit to a certain neighborhood for a day, etc.);
  3. Thoughts, reflections, and feelings about confronting the out-of-comfort zone area (fear, apprehension, excitement, etc.) How did it feel to be a minority in this way?; and
  4. What did this experience teach you about being different from others in your environment? What insights did the experience give you that you could apply to your current or past work situations?

Out of Comfort Zone Assessment Activity Read More »

Tell us what characteristics of Loma Linda University

Tell us what characteristics of Loma Linda University

Application Questions

1- Tell us what characteristics of Loma Linda University are particularly attractive and meaningful to you and why you have chosen to apply for advanced education. (500 words)Required

2- Discuss how your spiritual origins, development, and experience have influenced and been integrated into your daily life. (500 words)Required

3- Tell us the desirable qualities that you see in yourself that you believe would aid us in considering your application. (500 words)Required

4- LLU believes deeply in integrating spiritual values into the educational experience. As a result, religion courses and chapel attendance are part of the curriculum. Tell us why you believe such a faith-based education would be of special benefit to you. (500 words)Required

First of all, this is Luma Linda Dental School

For question #4, I am catholic and I believe that praying help me to clear up my mind and it helps to be good in my life especially school.

For the other Questions I will attach you my personal statement, please keep my personal statement save.

Also, please look up at Loma Linda Dental school to see their values and mission.

Tell us what characteristics of Loma Linda University Read More »

Consider the potential conflict between corporate social responsibility and ethics while maximizing shareholder wealth.

Consider the potential conflict between corporate social responsibility and ethics while maximizing shareholder wealth.

Consider the potential conflict between corporate social responsibility and ethics while maximizing shareholder wealth. How does exercising Christian principles play a part in running a successful business while operating within state and federal regulations?

No plagiarism

APA format

Atleast 2 references

At least 500 words

Consider the potential conflict between corporate social responsibility and ethics while maximizing shareholder wealth. Read More »

Secularism, Secularization, and Pluralism

Secularism, Secularization, and Pluralism

Summary Part 1


Features of secular state are:

A secular state would be one that has no religious symbolism attached to its government or institutions. It would have no laws that favor religion. The system of government, both in its theory and its practice would allow all citizens to participate equally in government or choosing representatives to government regardless of whether they were theist of atheist. Decisions would be made on the basis that they did not favor religions but promoted the right to freedom of religion and freedom from religion equally.

For this summary, let us bring into conversation our reading from the assigned article and the following quotes:

“Religion has actually convinced people that there’s an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever ’til the end of time! But He loves you. He loves you, and He needs money! He always needs money! He’s all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can’t handle money!”
– George Carlin, American stand-up comedian, actor, author, and social critic

I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with senses, reason, and intellect has intended us to forego their use.” (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
– Galileo Galilei, Italian astronomer, physicist and engineer (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.” (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
– Steven Weinberg, American theoretical physicist and Nobel laureate in Physics (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

“There was a time when religion ruled the world. It is known as the Dark Ages.” (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
– Ruth Hurmence Green, American author (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

“I do not believe all religions lead to God because no religion leads to God. Religion does not lead people to God any more than cups quench your thirst.”
– Bruxy Cavey, Canadian actor and author

“Tell a devout Christian that his wife is cheating on him, or that frozen yogurt can make a man invisible, and he is likely to require as much evidence as anyone else, and to be persuaded only to the extent that you give it. Tell him that the book he keeps by his bed was written by an invisible deity who will punish him with fire for eternity if he fails to accept its every incredible claim about the universe, and he seems to require no evidence whatsoever.”
– Sam Harris, American author, neuroscientist, philosopher, and podcast host

Think about our world society at-large, then bringing the above quotes and the other readings assigned for this week into conversation with one another respond to the following questions:

  • In your opinion, what role does religion play across cultures in the world today, and how could secularization disrupt this order? Choose from Judaism, Christianity, Catholicism, Hinduism, or Islam as points of reference (you can use Google News to access information useful for this task).
  • Which above quote do you connect with the most, and which one do you disagree with, and why?
  • If there was one thing you could change about how religion impacts society, thinking of the ideologies proposed by secularization, what would that be? Why?

Summary Part 2

Read this short article:…

Secularization and Pluralism are hot-topics in the universe of Religious Studies discourse, and academia as a whole. From a Religious Studies perspective, and in laypersons terms, they are best defined as follows:

Secularization: the process of either influencing people who were strictly religious or conservative of a certain cultural practice or disciples of certain ethical/ philosophical principals, to drop or relax their practices and adopt more liberal and popular culture; or as a society or institution relaxing set principals that forced members to adhere to strict code of conduct and setting them free to adopt liberal and popular practices of their choice. Secularism is a principle that involves two basic propositions. The first is the strict separation of the state from religious institutions. The second is that people of different religions and beliefs are equal before the law.

  • In true secularism, religions have to respect the laws of state, one common law for all religions (in marriage, divorce, etc.)
  • It is the concept that a society should be built, governed and operated without interference of personal beliefs, traditions and opinions based on such.
  • Secularism is an idea centered on separation of religion from worldly affairs.

Pluralism: a pluralist society connotes a nation/society marked by the absence of discrimination/bigotry of any sorts, (particularly along religious and ethnic lines). As the word pluralist itself suggests “numerous” – i.e. existence and acceptance of diverse opinions, beliefs and principles – and refers to the environment which is not only tolerant of all the elements residing in it but also an environment of harmony whereby people belonging to distinct cultural and ethnic backgrounds do not have a blinkered attitude towards the practices and cultures of other groups.

  • Pluralism is a view based on the concept that all religions are paths to truth, and reality, thus adherents of all existent religions will reach to salvation and prosperity.
  • Pluralism is acknowledging the fact that multiple power groups should exist and compete in a free and open marketplace of ideas, from which policies and law are generated to govern the society.
  • It is a form of society in which minorities maintain their independent cultural traditions without any restrictions.
  • Simply stated, it is a concept that supports the idea that people with disagreeing beliefs live in the same society peacefully without disbanding their beliefs.

Bringing into conversation the readings for the week, to include the assigned article, and the above passage, what religious milieu would you prefer to live in, a secular one, or one that is pluralistic? Explain your response thoroughly and thoughtfully.

Layout and Design:

Writing 200 words for each Summary Part 1 & 2, and complying fully with the following criteria makes for a successful assignment:

  • Typed in Times New Roman in a 12pt font
  • double-spaced
  • numbered pages
  • appropriate heading (name, class, date, professor’s name, topic)
  • creative title (use your imagination and create a cool title)
  • use of literature and citations if applicable
  • your grade will reflect grammatical inaccuracies in your work.

Secularism, Secularization, and Pluralism Read More »

Unit 7 Writing Assignement

Unit 7 Writing Assignement

Prompt: Choose three topics from the list below to research. Choose two organizations, one that adheres to Christian principles and one which adheres to secular principles. For each of the three topics you have chosen, compare and/or contrast the role these topics play in each organization. Based on your research, discuss if one organization outperforms the other organization. Explain your reasoning.


Attitudes and job satisfaction
 Emotions and moods
 Personality and values
 Perception and individual decision-making  Motivation concepts and applications

Groups and teams in the workplace  Communication
 Leadership
 Power and politics

 Conflict and negotiation  Organization structure
 Organizational culture
 Organizational change

o Requirements: Your responses should be submitted in a 1,500 – 2,000-word essay. Type your answers and submit via Canvas prior to start of class. Your paper should include APA-compliant formatting, including title and reference pages. You should use 5-7 scholarly references.

Unit 7 Writing Assignement Read More »

Nonprofit Analysis Project Instructions

Nonprofit Analysis Project Instructions

This assignment must be completed in strict, current APA format and include a cover page, reference page, and be double-spaced throughout.

  • Part 1 Short Essay – The first step to gathering information for this project is to review the information found on Christian Worldview, a Focus on the Family website. Take some time to reflect upon the reading and give your thoughts concerning a Christian worldview in a short essay. Consider asking yourself how important is a Christian worldview? Is it a main factor in running a nonprofit organization? What are some potential positive or negative effects of basing nonprofit management on a Christian worldview? Part 1 must be a minimum of 1–2 full pages.
  • Part 2 – Select 10 organizations from and then write a 250-word description for each of the selected organizations. Also, explain how these organizations demonstrate the 6 characteristics defined in chapter 3 of the Worth text. You will need to select at least two Christian organizations, and reflectively answer these questions: From what you have read about Christian worldviews, does it seem obvious that the organization is based upon Christian principles? Are there any distinctive marks of Christianity in the vision, mission, purpose, and goals of the organization? Part 2 must be a minimum of 5–6 full pages.
  • Part 3 – Select one of the 10 organizations in Part 2 to perform an in-depth evaluation/assessment of 1 organization. Identify the vision, mission, and purpose of this organization. Select 5–7 key concepts (i.e. volunteerism, governing board responsibilities) from your course Reading & Study material that are of most interest to you and apply it to the selected organization. Does the organization look as though it is successful in accomplishing its purpose in the light of what you have learned thus far? If it is, what are some of the contributing factors to the organization’s success? From the information that you can gather, identify strategic issues. Part 3 must be a minimum of 5 full pages.
  • Part 4 – Now that you have completed your assessment of the organization of choice, provide a list of 8 recommendations that you think would be of benefit to the organization. Your recommendations must be well-supported using the course Reading & Study material as well as other credible resources (a minimum of 3 sources).

Write a professional letter introducing yourself to the organization you have been evaluating. Inform them of this course and the analysis you had to perform, and provide them with the list of recommendations that you hope will be of benefit to them. Part 4 must be a minimum of 5 full pages.

Nonprofit Analysis Project Instructions Read More »

Nonprofit Analysis Project Instructions

Nonprofit Analysis Project Instructions

This assignment must be completed in strict, current APA format and include a cover page, reference page, and be double-spaced throughout.

  • Part 1 Short Essay – The first step to gathering information for this project is to review the information found on Christian Worldview, a Focus on the Family website. Take some time to reflect upon the reading and give your thoughts concerning a Christian worldview in a short essay. Consider asking yourself how important is a Christian worldview? Is it a main factor in running a nonprofit organization? What are some potential positive or negative effects of basing nonprofit management on a Christian worldview? Part 1 must be a minimum of 1–2 full pages.
  • Part 2 – Select 10 organizations from and then write a 250-word description for each of the selected organizations. Also, explain how these organizations demonstrate the 6 characteristics defined in chapter 3 of the Worth text. You will need to select at least two Christian organizations, and reflectively answer these questions: From what you have read about Christian worldviews, does it seem obvious that the organization is based upon Christian principles? Are there any distinctive marks of Christianity in the vision, mission, purpose, and goals of the organization? Part 2 must be a minimum of 5–6 full pages.
  • Part 3 – Select one of the 10 organizations in Part 2 to perform an in-depth evaluation/assessment of 1 organization. Identify the vision, mission, and purpose of this organization. Select 5–7 key concepts (i.e. volunteerism, governing board responsibilities) from your course Reading & Study material that are of most interest to you and apply it to the selected organization. Does the organization look as though it is successful in accomplishing its purpose in the light of what you have learned thus far? If it is, what are some of the contributing factors to the organization’s success? From the information that you can gather, identify strategic issues. Part 3 must be a minimum of 5 full pages.
  • Part 4 – Now that you have completed your assessment of the organization of choice, provide a list of 8 recommendations that you think would be of benefit to the organization. Your recommendations must be well-supported using the course Reading & Study material as well as other credible resources (a minimum of 3 sources).

Write a professional letter introducing yourself to the organization you have been evaluating. Inform them of this course and the analysis you had to perform, and provide them with the list of recommendations that you hope will be of benefit to them. Part 4 must be a minimum of 5 full pages.

Nonprofit Analysis Project Instructions Read More »

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