
Serial Killers

Serial Killers

Serial Killers

For this assignment you will review a serial killer’s case in depth. The killer you choose to review will also be the subject of your Week 5 final assignment, so keep your research material handy.

First, choose one of the following serial killers:

  • David Berkowitz (“Son of Sam”) taunted police over a year and shot 15 people (6 died) in New York City. The movie “Summer of Sam” was about this time.
  • Gary Ridgway (the “Green River Killer”) holds the American record for most victims. He confessed to killing 48 over a 16-year period but is suspected of having killed many more!
  • Wayne B. Williams is believed to be the killer of 24 children and young men in Atlanta, though there is still some doubt.
  • John Allen Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo were the “DC snipers” who shot 13 people (ten died) over three weeks in the Washington DC area in 2002.
  • Ted Bundy: Confessed to almost 30 murders (there may have been more). He was known for being smart and good-looking, and acted as his own lawyer.
  • Jeffrey Dahmer: His case captured worldwide attention after his capture, mostly due to his habit of keeping parts of his victims long after their deaths, as well as cannibalism and necrophilia.
  • Kristen Gilbert: An example of a female serial killer, she was a nurse who killed hospital patients in her care.

For this assignment, create a 4- to 5-page report in Microsoft Word that covers the following points:

  • Summarize the case: time period, location, number of victims, etc.
  • Describe the killer’s background, methods, and area of operation.
  • Determine which of the theories from Week 2 relate to this killer and show why you made this determination.
  • How did the killer select his or her victims? Was there anything that the victims did to provoke the killer? Are the victims in this case in any way responsible for their own deaths?
  • By analyzing all of the above information, you should now be able to propose a three-part typology and explain your analysis. Your typology should describe the killer’s motivation, location, and organized or disorganized factors. For instance, John Wayne Gacy might be described as a Power/Control, local, organized killer.

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cardiovascular disorders

cardiovascular disorders

This week you have learned about common cardiovascular disorders in the Adult and Geriatric patient. For the purpose of this discussion write on nursing the following cardiovascular disorders and provide the following in your initial post:

Cardiovascular disorders:

  • CHF
  • Valve disorders
  • Angina
  • PVD

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Professional Development Exercises: Nursing Ethics

Professional Development Exercises: Nursing Ethics

Professional Development Exercises :

Please combine all of these responses into a single Microsoft Word document for submission

Please submit only complete assignments (not partial or “draft” assignments).

Submit only the assignments corresponding to the module in this section.

You are not required to adhere to the 500-1000 word count for each of the responses, but please be thorough in your responses so that you adequately address all aspects of each question.


1. The paper should be written in APA format and not question and answer form.

2. Please maintain your TurnIt In similarity index at 0% as indicated in the getting started page.

3. Avoid writing in the first or second person (e.g. I, we, you, us). Speak in the third person form (e.g. he, him, his, himself, she, her, hers, herself, it, its, itself, they, them, their, theirs, and themselves). If you need to refer to yourself, use “the author”

4. References must be scholarly peer reviewed articles. All references, need to be within 5 years (so nothing later than 2013) as indicated in the Getting Started page tab.

5. Avoid using references from .com sites because they are typically privately owned and have biased. Use references from .edu (education), .gov (government), or .org (non-profit organization) sites.

6. In text citations. Please review you create in text citations.

Paraphrasing: Medical surgical nurses possess skills required in specialty departments (Smith, Jones, & Johson, 2015).

Direct quote: “Medical surgical nurses possess skills required in specialty department” (Smith, Jones, & Johnson, 2015, p. 200).

Direct quote: A study by Smith, Jones, and Johnson (2015) found that “medical surgical nurses possess skills required in specialty department” (p.123).

7. The first time you use an acronym write out what each letter of it stands for and put the initials in parentheses. For example,

cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

8. Make your sentences succinct and too the point. Try to limit it to approximately 20 words, otherwise it makes it convoluted for your reader.

9. Do not start you sentence with a demonstrative pronoun (This, That, These, Those). Demonstrative pronouns are typically reserved for the spoken language when the person speaking can gesture toward the object they are talking about.

10. Avoid starting a sentence with “it” because emphasis is placed on that word, and you message loses vividness.

11. Page requirements: I believe you can cover the topics sufficiently with a minimum of 5 pages and a maximum of 7 pages EXCLUDING your reference page.

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Paragraph 2- Please respond to the following post.

Paragraph 2- Please respond to the following post.

Please respond to the following post with a long paragraph, with references and citations, in alphabetical order.

Define critical thinking and evidence-based practice. Discuss what critical thinking in nursing practice entails and explain why it is important. Discuss the role of critical thinking and evidence-based practice as they relate to patient outcomes.

Paragraph 2- Please respond to the following post. Read More »

HRSA Data Warehouse Website Activity Essay (2pages)

HRSA Data Warehouse Website Activity Essay (2pages)

HRSA Data Warehouse Website Activity and Reflection

Click for more options

Complete the HRSA Data Warehouse Website Activity.

  1. Read about the HRSA Data website and what it does here:
  2. Explore the rest of the tabs on the site.
  3. Watch the “How-To Video: Find a Health Center Locator Tool” tutorial found at the following link:
  4. Explore some data by selecting Clark County, Nevada using the Data by Geography tool here:
  5. Next use the HRSA Fact Sheets tool located here: to look up HRSA’s activities in HHS regions, states, counties, and congressional districts and compare the data to the Clark County, Nevada data you found using your geography results. Analyze the data included in the fact sheets. Consider the data sets found in the fact sheets. How does Nevada compare nationwide when it comes to the data sets? What about Clark County?
  6. Complete a new search using the Data for Geography tool for your state and county. Compare the results of your query to your Clark County, Nevada search.
  7. Identify HRSA program resources for HIV/AIDS in your state and county. What are they? How many clinics are funded by HRSA?

Write a two-page paper reflecting on the data you collected and analyzed. How will this data warehouse be useful to you as a professional nurse? Your paper should be at least two pages in length, in APA format, typed in Times New Roman with 12-point font, and double-spaced with 1” margins.

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Responde with a Paragraph add citations and reference

Responde with a Paragraph add citations and reference

Please write paragraphs responding the discussion below. Add citations and references in alphabetic order.

List three examples of plagiarism and discuss how plagiarizing as a student affects the integrity of a baccalaureate degree, the public perception of the nursing profession, and evidence-based practice. Describe two things you will do to ensure academic integrity in your work.

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Responde with a Paragraph add citations and reference

Responde with a Paragraph add citations and reference

Please write paragraphs responding the discussion below. Add citations and references in alphabetic order.

How has nursing practice evolved over time? Discuss the key leaders and historical events that have influenced the advancement of nursing, nursing education, and nursing roles that are now part of the contemporary nursing profession.

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Nursing Pediatric Assessment Paper

Nursing Pediatric Assessment Paper

Conduct a developmental assessment met in a home setting to identify factors influencing a child’s development. The goal is to facilitate learning of the multiple, predictable aspects of a child’s growth and development.The student will also assess the child’s home environment to identify some of the factors influencing the child’s development.Following the visit, this paper will include physiologic and psycho-social assessment data, goals for the child and family, interventions, and recommendations. Overall, you choose an age of well child (1 month – 10 years of age) either in a home or school environment and assess specific parameters (e.g. nutrition, physical growth, family and environment, etc.), analyze the data, and develop goals and recommended interventions. Attached is the guidelines and developmental background information. This paper must be APA format (Abstract)

Suggested parameters to include:

Some suggested parameters to include:


a)birth date, age, and gender

b)growth parameters – use growth charts based on the

  • For children < 2 years, use the Birth to 36 months 3rd-97th percentile forms and plot the following on the chart:
    • length for age
    • weight for age
    • head circumference for age
    • weight for length
  • For children > 2 years, use the 2-20 years 3rd-97th percentile forms and plot the following on the chart:
  • Stature for age
  • Weight for age
  • BMI for age

c) Nutritional status

d) Development – remember the different aspects of development

e) Family

  • Who lives in the home and what are their roles with the child?
  • What influences do they have on the child’s development?
  • Is the child cared for outside of the home and what impact does that have on the child and his/her family?

f) Home environment or school assessment–

  • Include safety issues that may not be covered by this tool, i.e.: guns in home, helmets w/ bikes, harmful chemicals within reach, etc.


  • Interpret the child’s growth percentiles.
  • Describe and interpret child developmental findings. Select at least two developmental theorists and compare the child’s development.
  • Assess the child’s environment in the areas of cognitive and social emotional support, safety, nutrition, and list factors that facilitate or inhibit the child’s growth and development. Or, if school based, describe environmental factors you have identified that are stimulating the child’s development
  • Discuss problems to be addressed, nursing diagnoses, and needs. If there are no problems, discuss anticipatory guidance needs.

3) GOALS – For child and family

4) INTERVENTIONS OR RECOMMENDATIONS – To maintain and promote growth, development and health of the child.Include documented rationale.

The powerpoints summarize the textbook.

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Responde with a Paragraph add citations and reference

Responde with a Paragraph add citations and reference

Please write paragraphs responding the discussion below. Add citations and references in alphabetic order.

Discuss the difference between a nursing conceptual model and a nursing theory.

Select a nursing theory and provide a concise summary of it. Provide an example in nursing practice where the nursing theory you selected would be effective in managing patient care.

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Apa clinical question paper

Apa clinical question paper

I need an apa format paper with 3 scholarly resource and i will provide the resource that i want you to use.this paper has to strictly follow the rubric it has questions that needs to be answered and the grammar has to b on point and this is an evidence based paper.please i a great paper at least 2pages but all the questions need to be answered throughly.



Reflective Clinical Questions Assignment


This assignment will help you connect the theoretical concepts in class to your clinical experiences. The assignment is aligned with unit content and designed to help you reflect on your leadership and management experience.


Course Outcomes

This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes.


CO 2: Incorporate leadership theory and skill within the assumed nurse role during healthcare interactions with a client and collaboration with the healthcare providers. (PO 2)


CO 3: Demonstrate ability to integrate communication and professional relationship skills when interfacing with the consumer and the environment. (PO 3)

CO 8: Apply research findings from nursing and related disciplines to enhance knowledge and practice. (PO 8)


Due Date—10/18/2018

Total Points Possible: 125 Points

Requirements and Guidelines

  • After doing the assigned readings/website review and participating in your clinical experiences write a thoughtful response for each question that reflects a synthesis of knowledge, clinical experiences, inquiry, and application of information.
  • Assigned readings – ANA Code of Ethics, Betrayed Trust article, chapters 16 & 23 of the Marquis & Huston textbook,
  • Remember, when referencing clinical situations, do not use personal or other identifying information relating to persons cared for.
  • This is a reflection paper in which you are communicating how your clinical experiences have shaped your understanding of classroom lessons; so, it is important that you tie in what you’ve learned in class to your clinical observations and experiences.
  • Paper must be 2-3 pages, not including cover and reference pages.


Reflection Questions


  1. Recall a situation in your clinical experiences in which an ethical decision was being made. Be sure only to discuss the situation without use of names of organizations, facilities, or persons involved.
  2. Which ethical decision-making principles came into play? (Cite Huston & Marquis textbook in your response).
  3. Which provision(s) of the American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics influenced the decision that was made? (Cite the ANA in your response).
  4. After speaking with a staff member or nursing leader in your clinical facility, describe a quality improvement initiative that is occurring (or had occurred) — every facility has one.
  5. What events occurred to prompt the initiative?
  6. Which Agency of Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) domain is addressed through this project? (Cite the AHRQ in your response).

III.          Refer to chapter 16 of the Marquis & Huston textbook. Reflect on what you have experienced and observed in your clinical sites and the principles of transition into practice.

  1. What do you expect will be the most difficult adjustment in your first nursing role?
  2. Describe actions and strategies you can take that will facilitate your adjustment into the workplace.
Assignment CriteriaPointsDescription
Completeness of Responses50Write a paper that addresses all 3 questions.  All facets of every question must be answered.
Synthesis of Knowledge and Experiences60Include the key concepts referenced from the textbook/lecture and the application and analysis of these concepts in the paper. Information must be reflective of synthesis of knowledge and experiences.



Grammar and Punctuation

15APA used to cite all 3 required references :

·       Marquis & Huston textbook

·       American Nurses Association (ANA)

·       Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) sources. Proper grammar and punctuation used. 


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Picot -clinical nursing problem

Picot -clinical nursing problem

The first step of the EBP process is to develop a question from the nursing practice problem of interest.

Select a practice problem of interest to use as the focus of your research.

Start with the patient and identify the clinical problems or issues that arise from clinical care.

Following the PICOT format, write a PICOT statement in your selected practice problem area of interest, which is applicable to your proposed capstone project.

The PICOT statement will provide a framework for your capstone project (the project students must complete during their final course in the RN-BSN program of study).

Conduct a literature search to locate research articles focused on your selected practice problem of interest. This literature search should include both quantitative and qualitative peer-reviewed research articles to support your practice problem.

Select six peer-reviewed research articles which will be utilized through the next 5 weeks as reference sources. Be sure that some of the articles use qualitative research and that some use quantitative research. Create a reference list in which the six articles are listed. Beneath each reference include the article’s abstract. The completed assignment should have a title page and a reference list with abstracts.

Suggestions for locating qualitative and quantitative research articles from credible sources:

  1. Use a library database such as CINAHL Complete for your search.
  2. Using the advanced search page check the box beside “Research Article” in the “Limit Your Results” section.
  3. When setting up the search you can type your topic in the top box, then add quantitative or qualitative as a search term in one of the lower boxes. Research articles often are described as qualitative or quantitative.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

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Professional Association Membership

Professional Association Membership


Examine the importance of professional associations in nursing. Choose a professional nursing organization that relates to your specialty area, or a specialty area in which you are interested. In a 750-1,000 word paper, provide a detailed overview the organization and its advantages for members. Include the following:

  1. Describe the organization and its significance to nurses in the specialty area. Include its purpose, mission, and vision. Describe the overall benefits, or “perks,” of being a member.
  2. Explain why it is important for a nurse in this specialty field to network. Discuss how this organization creates networking opportunities for nurses.
  3. Discuss how the organization keeps its members informed of health care changes and changes to practice that affect the specialty area.
  4. Discuss opportunities for continuing education and professional development.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

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Nursing Leadership and Management

Nursing Leadership and Management

Isaac has worked as a staff nurse on the telemetry floor for over 15 years. He holds seniority in the unit. His patient care is satisfactory; however, his interpersonal behaviors are becoming an increasing issue for his coworkers. He throws papers around the unit, gives short answers to questions, and seems generally miserable. He tells the staff that they are lazy and stupid. He is constantly questioning their decisions. You have come from another local hospital in the role of the assistant nurse manager. Based on your observations, you have met with Isaac informally and discussed his behaviors, but they have not changed. Now three new nurses have already come to you saying that this unit is a great match for them, except for one problem. Although they have not identified Isaac by name, they have told you that one of the nurses is extremely abusive verbally, and they have been calling in sick on the days they are scheduled to work with this person.

1. What are your responsibilities as an assistant nurse manager in regard to Isaac’s behavior problem?

2. What is the next step in dealing with Isaac’s behaviors?

3. How will you, as the manager, have Isaac develop more effective people skills?

This is your first position as a nurse manager. The holidays are rapidly approaching, and the hospital policy states that each unit will negotiate holiday coverage individually. You are already getting requests via e-mail and on Post-it notes for holiday time. Several staff members have come to you stating that they “never” seem to get their requests for holidays. Discussion among the staff members is creating dissension and conflict.

1. Discuss the potential impact of this problem on you and the unit staff.

2. Describe a minimum of one positive consequence and one negative consequence of this conflict.

3. Select a model of conflict resolution and explain how you, as a nurse manager, might resolve this conflict.

APA Format.

-Introduction or abstract page

-Summary or Conclusion page


Completely unacceptable Copy and Paste from Internet, or other resources.

– References have to be in APA Format, minimum 3 references citations with 3 years old or less.

BOOK: Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management

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Why I want to be a nurse?

Why I want to be a nurse?

Scholarship Essay Requirements

* Font size must be 12 point font

* Font type must be Arial, Calibri or Times New Roman

* Borders must have 1” margins

* Essay must be double-spaced

* Essay must be a minimum of 3 pages; a maximum of 5 pages

* Each page should be numbered in the bottom right of the page


* The Essay must be on any ONE of the below topics
a. My role as a nurse in today’s health care environment.

b. How care coordination can make an impact on patients.

c. How I can effect change as a nurse.

d. Why data is important to me as a nurse.

e. Why I want to be a nurse.



  TOPIC OF CHOICE : Why I want to be a nurse.


I like these topics, you can choose one and combine ideas:

1-My role as a nurse in today’s health care environment.

2-Why I want to be a nurse.


I need to win the scholarship 🙂 Please be convincing in your writing

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Ethical Issue PowerPoint Presentation

Ethical Issue PowerPoint Presentation

Ethical Issue PowerPoint Presentation-

The ethical issues presentation will address an ethical issue associated with the practice of nursing. The issue selected for discussion should have clearly identifiable pros and cons that, when analyzed, will allow the student to form a defensible position related to the issue. Principles from identified codes of ethics should be examined in relation to the issue and position. The PowerPoint presentation should have from 12 to15 slides without counting reference and title pages

The student should address the following:

1. Define the Ethical Issue PowerPoint Presentation-

2. Examine the scope of the issue as it relates to nursing and principles identified in codes of ethics.

3. Identify at least 2 positions taken on this issue by scholarly experts in the ethics discipline.

4. Explore the future for the issue as it relates to nursing practice.

select one of these topics

Possible Topics for Ethical Issues Presentation

In vitro fertilization

Surrogate mothers Donor eggs for profit Selecting sex of offspring

Uses for extra embryos from in vitro fertilization Childbearing after menopause

Condom distribution in highs schools

Elective abortion

Use of monies to fund abortion for the indigent Abortion without parental consent for adolescents Transplantation of fetal tissue

Mandatory HIV testing for all pregnant women

Child abuse charges for knowingly exposing fetus to harmful substances such as tobacco, alcohol, drugs, and environmental teratogens

Aggressive management of very premature, very low-birth weight babies

Blind testing newborns for HIV infections

Short hospital stay post-mastectomy or other radical surgery Prophylactic surgery as a means of preventing reproductivecancers

Hormone replacement therapy post-menopause Assisted suicide

Organ donation

End-of-life issues such as living wills, power of attorney, do-not- resuscitate orders

Stem cell research

Other topics as approved by faculty

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Ethical Issue PowerPoint Presentation

Ethical Issue PowerPoint Presentation

Ethical Issue PowerPoint Presentation-

The ethical issues presentation will address an ethical issue associated with the practice of nursing. The issue selected for discussion should have clearly identifiable pros and cons that, when analyzed, will allow the student to form a defensible position related to the issue. Principles from identified codes of ethics should be examined in relation to the issue and position. The PowerPoint presentation should have from 12 to15 slides without counting reference and title pages

The student should address the following:

1. Define the scope of the ethical issue.

2. Examine the scope of the issue as it relates to nursing and principles identified in codes of ethics.

3. Identify at least 2 positions taken on this issue by scholarly experts in the ethics discipline.

4. Explore the future for the issue as it relates to nursing practice.

select one of these topics

Possible Topics for Ethical Issues Presentation

In vitro fertilization

Surrogate mothers Donor eggs for profit Selecting sex of offspring

Uses for extra embryos from in vitro fertilization Childbearing after menopause

Condom distribution in highs schools

Elective abortion

Use of monies to fund abortion for the indigent Abortion without parental consent for adolescents Transplantation of fetal tissue

Mandatory HIV testing for all pregnant women

Child abuse charges for knowingly exposing fetus to harmful substances such as tobacco, alcohol, drugs, and environmental teratogens

Aggressive management of very premature, very low-birth weight babies

Blind testing newborns for HIV infections

Short hospital stay post-mastectomy or other radical surgery Prophylactic surgery as a means of preventing reproductivecancers

Hormone replacement therapy post-menopause Assisted suicide

Organ donation

End-of-life issues such as living wills, power of attorney, do-not- resuscitate orders

Stem cell research

Other topics as approved by faculty

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