business ethics  discussion


Hawkeye Pierce and B. J. Hunnicut were involved in a plethora of unethical situations on the popular show M*A*S*H. Through their comical depiction of these situations, the show often leaves the viewer with the impression that their unethical behavior is appropriate.

Imagine hearing a hiring manager say, “if employers only want to hire the best-qualified, young white males, they have a right to do so without interference, because these are their businesses.”

Share your thoughts on the statement. 50+words

Answer preview

I agree that some unethical behaviors in business might seem appropriate for the employers for their business to succeed. The intense competition in the business world has made ethics not to be considered as part of the decision-making process. Employers have the right to employ the best qualified even if they are from only one race if this is what will make their business to succeed…

(190 words)

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