Chapter Summary- Between Two Fires

hapter 1 summery

Chapter summary should be its own self-contained explanation of that chapter. The summary paper should succinctly summarize the important points and events of that chapter. Each summary document should be 2 – 3 pages excluding the title page. The document should be double spaced with a font size no larger than 12, no smaller than 10.

The book is: Between Two Fires A Fire History of Contemporary America, Stephen J. Pyne. ISBN 978-0816532148

Chapter 1: Spark

Answer preview
The chapter begins with a brief introduction of the work of John Steinbeck during the period of the 1960s. It starts with a brief introduction of Steinbeck attempts to rediscover the American land which according to him had gone into waste overtimes. 1962 was a year that came along with fire and wildlands that amounted to America’s great Cultural Revolution on fire…
(700 words)
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