African Americans

Research / Reflection

Research / Reflection Paper, 1 page DUE June 4 11:59pm

Write a 500-word essay or do a PowerPoint on one of the essay questions in the The Africana Experience textbook. You may write on any reflection question in chapters 1-8. If you use multiple sources, be sure to cite them. 14-16 point font. Be sure to post this to Blackboard. Identify the question and your answer.

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African Americans in the United States of America are always finding it hard to survive in the environment that they are living in. According to chapter 8 of the Africana web, du Bois ones said that the way the blacks are treated is unpredictable and even gave an example of how no one knows the rates of taxes or even how they are determined. In all aspects of life, the African Americans are treated differently from how the whites are treated…

(570 words)

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