Why I want to be a nurse?
Scholarship Essay Requirements
* Font size must be 12 point font
* Font type must be Arial, Calibri or Times New Roman
* Borders must have 1” margins
* Essay must be double-spaced
* Essay must be a minimum of 3 pages; a maximum of 5 pages
* Each page should be numbered in the bottom right of the page
* The Essay must be on any ONE of the below topics
a. My role as a nurse in today’s health care environment.
b. How care coordination can make an impact on patients.
c. How I can effect change as a nurse.
d. Why data is important to me as a nurse.
e. Why I want to be a nurse.
TOPIC OF CHOICE : Why I want to be a nurse.
I like these topics, you can choose one and combine ideas:
1-My role as a nurse in today’s health care environment.
2-Why I want to be a nurse.
I need to win the scholarship 🙂 Please be convincing in your writing
Answer preview
On every other occasion, I encounter people that need help from one issue or the other. Both financially and health-wise. I have always had the desire to help as many people as I can. In many occasions, I have helped those I can, but I always feel that I can help better. If asked, I know the nursing profession is a helping profession. Nurses always have their attention on the needs of their patient and in most cases regardless of their own needs are of concern. Helping people is in me, and deep inside, the desire to help those I know, and total strangers is embedded so strongly inside me. To get there, I need the capacity which is only possible if I am given the opportunity to acquire the excellent education and make the best nurse of all time…
(1500 words)