Prevalence of Insomnia among College Students

Prevalence of Insomnia among College Students

Psychology Research Article Questionnaire

Psychology Research Article Questionnaire. For the assigned article , you are required to complete the brief questionnaire below. Answers to these questions MUST be typed and submitted by the date indicated by your instructor. If you do not answer the questions sufficiently, you will NOT be given credit. IMPORTANT: You MUST answer the questions below IN YOUR OWN WORDS (i.e., Do NOT submit the abstract, and Do NOT simply cut/copy paste text from the articles). You MUST turn in typed responses to these questions (minimum of one page, double spaced, with one inch margins on all four sides).

  1. Identify the article you chose to review; provide article title and author(s) name(s).
  2. What is the research question or hypothesis that is being tested? (The answer to this question can be found by reading the Introduction section of the article)
  3. Describe the number and demographics of participants; who participated in the research described in the article? (The answer to this question can be found by reading the Method section of the article, especially the “Participants” subsection).
  4. What was the methodology of the research described in the article (i.e., what did participants do?) (The answer to this question can be found by reading the Method section of the article, especially the “Procedure” and “Materials” subsections).
  5. What were the main findings of this research (i.e., did the analyses support or fail to support the researchers’ hypotheses?). (The answer to this question can be found by reading the “Discussion” section of the article, especially the first few paragraphs).
  6. What are the real-world implications or application of the obtained results? (The answer to this question can be found by reading the “Discussion” section of the article, especially the “Conclusion” or last few paragraphs).


Sadigh, M., Himmanen, S., & Scepansky, J. (2014). An investigation of the prevalence of insomnia in college students and its relationship to trait anxiety. College Student Journal, 48(3), 397-406.


Answer preview

  1. Article

The article is entitled “An Investigation of the Prevalence of Insomnia in College Students and its Relationship to Trait Anxiety” authored by Sadigh Micah R., Himmanen Sharon A., Scepansky James A.

  1. Research Question

The article is based on the investigation of insomnia within college going student and whether or not there exists a relationship between insomnia and trait anxiety. The research was also centred on the occurrence of this situation among first years in the college stage as well…


(400 words)

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