The Hidden” Poem

The Hidden” Poem

Analyze Poem

Part 1Analyze a poem through careful attention to detail

Close Reading (Poetry Explication Assignment)

Write a short but thoughtful response. Your job is to explain what the poem is about and how its form (using critical literary vocabulary) helps us understand the meaning. You should not assume the readers know the poem or how to interpret it without you.

This is the link for the poem: Truong Tran “The Hidden”…

Please read the instruction carefully and follow it !

Part 2: please post a piece of your draft (a few paragraphs).

  • Tell us the poem you will discuss and where these paragraphs will go in your final essay.
  • What is the purpose of these paragraphs?
  • Do they provide context about the author, history, or genre?
  • Do they help us understand intricate language?
  • Do they provide specific details to help readers who do not know the poem understand better?

Answer preview

“The Hidden” Poem

At the beginning of the poem, Truong Tran, the author of the poem, paints a vivid picture of her mother’s cooking. “Perfection of spring rolls evenly fried.” According to the author, the first important point that triggers the mind in the consistency in her mother’s cooking. The first stanza in the poem emphasizes the mother’s consistency. The mother, on the specific scene of the poem, is preparing spring rolls that fries evenly across. The author performs an active duty at expressing the preciseness and perfectness of his mother’s spring rolls. The secret to the mother’s perfect spring rolls is, “a hint of apple juice.” The apple juice not…

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