Pauls’ Exhortations to the Church of Thessalonians

Pauls’ Exhortations to the Church of Thessalonians

1000 Word Essay

Choose any one from the list below and write a 1,000 word, scholarly essay using at least three sources which are cited or used substantively for each topic chosen. It is not sufficient only to list your sources at the end of this essay. All three must be used/cited/referenced/interacted with, page numbers noted, etc. in the body of the paper The essay should define, present varying views, and argue for the most biblical satisfying perspective of the theme The essay will be worth 100 points. Grade will be based on word count, use of sources, quality of discussion of the topic chosen (definition, views, biblical support, and a demonstrated awareness of what the issues are, etc.) Passage options:
Colossians 1:15: Explain what it means for Christ to be the “image” of God and the “firstborn of creation.” Make sure to interpret this verse and interact with how the cults interpret it1 Thessalonians 4:13-18: Explain what these verses teach about the rapture of the church. This should be like a mini commentary on this section1 Thessalonians 5:16-22: Explain the various exhortations Paul gives in these verses

2 Thessalonians 2:3: In this verse Paul mentions “the man of sin.” Using other biblical passages, explain who this individual is

Answer preview

As Paul ends the letter he wrote to the Thessalonians, in Thessalonians 5:16-22, he briefly talks about the end times. He talks of the day of the lord coming as a thief. Things will drastically change, such that peace will be replaced with destruction. He, however, points out that there will be no need for the Christians to become terrified by this since they will be in the light. This leads him to caution them against being sluggish towards the works of God, but instead owning their salvation they have obtained through Jesus Christ. He then makes emphasis on living a pleasing life to God by giving exhortations that will keep them ready for the Day of Judgment. They include; always rejoicing, praying without ceasing, being thankful, not quenching the spirit, appreciating prophesy, holding fast to what is good and keeping away from all evil.

Being Happy Always

Paul urges the Christians to rejoice always. Just as was the case even among their forefathers, who rejoiced when God delivered them from their enemies, Isaiah 9:3 and 1samuel 18:6-7, and during important …

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