Literary Analysis of Tartuffe

Literary Analysis of Tartuffe

Literary Analysis Paper on Tartuffe by Molierre

Goal: 3 to 4 pages + Works Cited (MLA)

Essay Outline

Introduction/Introductory Paragraph-

1) Hook – A compelling statement that opens up your paper.

Hook example: Moliere’s Tartuffe has captured audiences with its lighthearted critique of hypocrisy.2) Thesis statement – The sentence that clearly states your argument for the paper. It is always the last line of the opening paragraph.

Thesis statement I decided to use- Moliere communicates how deception works through Tartuffe by using symbolism, dramatic irony, and foil.

Body Paragraphs

1) Symbolism

2) Dramatic Irony

3) Character Foils

Each body paragraph (3) will start with what is called a topic sentence. Example “Symbolism is an effective tool Moliere uses to communicate deception.”

Body paragraphs will always analyze your quotes from various sources (e.g., Tartuffe) that support the main topic.

Concluding Paragraph-

1) Restated version of your thesis statement.

2) You need to make sure to summarize/wrap up all the ideas discussed in your paper.

I have came up with the thesis statement. Also I have came up with the literary devices to use which is symbolism, dramatic irony, and character foil. If you can look through Tartuffe and find quotes that represents symbolism, dramatic irony, and character foil you will need these quotes for your body paragraphs. At least 2 quotes from the play Tartuffe for each literary device above

Also make sure you have a compelling hook. My professor advised us not to use quotes for the hook.

The format for this paper is MLA.

The outline should help you a lot with the paper

Answer preview

Literary Analysis of Tartuffe

Tartuffe is a theatrical comedy by Jean-Baptiste Poquelin also known as Moliere. The play took place in the 1660s in one of the character’s house, Orgon, which was in Paris. During this period, which was considered the Age of Enlightenment, highly-rated writers like Moliere relied on their witty skills to expose issues related to corruption and immoral behavior in human beings (Luebering, 26). The satirical play portrays a character, Tartuffe, who deceives people that he is a religious man, yet his intention is gaining power and wealth. Moliere communicates how deception works through Tartuffe by using symbolism, dramatic irony, and foil…

(1200 words)

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