Categories of Failure by Dr. O’Hara

Categories of Failure by Dr. O’Hara

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APA format about 750 word

Dr. O’Hara discusses the case of Jean Charles DeMenezes and The London Metropolitan Police with regard to a fatal shooting by the organization’s CO19 Firearms Unit. It turned out to be a case of mistaken identity during a manhunt for a known terrorist. From the material presented and through any independent research that you choose to do, please write an essay of about 750 words, detailing which of O’Hara’s “Categories of Failure” most likely contributed to this tragic result. You must provide backup for your views. For your convenience, they are:

  • Normal accidents
  • Structural failure
  • Oversight failure
  • Cultural deviation
  • Institutionalization
  • Resource diversion
  • Organizations getting it wrong.

Answer preview

Dr. Patrick O’Hara, in the case of Jean Chares DeMenezes, represents the failure of an organization since he was mistakenly killed in a search for a known terrorist. The London Metropolitan Police department was responsible for this fatal shooting, which was an instance of mistaken identity resulting in the death of the victim. According to Dr. O’Hara, the incidence was highly caused by various categories of failure…

(950 words)

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