Becoming a Professional Nurse

Becoming a Professional Nurse

1-Please respond to the question below with a minimum of 200 words.

In your journey to become a professional nurse, what barriers have you encountered, and how have you been able to overcome them?

Please give at least three (3) barriers, or at least three reasons that you have been encouraged to pursue becoming a professional nurse.

Write your answer in a Microsoft Word document and submit it here.

Please observe the APA Guidelines.

Please note that even though both assignments have the same topic the first one requires 200 words while the second one requires 100 words minimum

2- After reading the chapters and completing the activities, choose one (1) discussion topic:

Topic 1:
Please respond to the question below with a minimum of 100 words.
In your journey to become a professional nurse, what barriers have you encountered, and how have you been able to overcome them?

Please respond to at least two of your classmates.

Answer Preview

In the journey to becoming a professional nurse, I have encountered different barriers. One of the barriers that I have had to overcome is communication barrier. Communication barrier happens in different stages. One of the stages is relating with the communities that do not understand English in the course of creating awareness…

(630 Words)

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