Ethical Leadership Questionnaire

 Ethical Leadership Questionnaire

Ethical Leadership

Read the article by Yukl, Mahsud, Hassan, & Prussia (2013), as well as Chapter 7 of Gonzalez-Padron (2015). Complete the Checklist: Ethical Leadership Questionnaire, then answer these following questions from the text:

  • Which behaviors are the most important for you to trust the ethical leadership of a supervisor, manager, or company executive?
  • Are there any descriptors in the list that are difficult to observe? How can a company measure the ethical leadership within the organization?
  • How does personal experience with a leader (e.g., work assignments, disciplinary actions) skew your assessment of his or her ethical leadership? Cite an example based on personal experience.
  • Must be APA and at least 350 words

Gonzalez-Padron, T. (2015). Business ethics and social responsibility for managers[Electronic version].

Answer Preview

There are few character traits which can help me to trust in the ethical management of a leader in an organization. One of the traits is that they must be just. This means that the leader in the organization treats each individual equally at the workplace there is no favoring others thus they are not biased (Kasemsap, 2015).  Another character is they must respect…

(396 Words)

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