Phenomenon Nursing

Phenomenon Nursing

A phenomenon is the term used to describe a perception or responses to an event. Examples of phenomena in nursing include caring and responses to stress. Assumptions are the ideas that we take for granted. They explain the nature of the concepts in the theory, giving it structure.

Choose a middle-range theory or grand theory that, in your opinion, can be applied to research.

What is the phenomenon of concern in this theory?

What are the assumptions underpinning this theory?


  • In your discussion question response, provide a substantive response that illustrates a well-reasoned and thoughtful response; is factually correct with relevant scholarly citations, references, and examples; and demonstrates a clear connection to the readings.
  • APA format, 3 paragraphs (3-4 sentences each), 3 references including textbook ( Peterson, S. J., & Bredow, T. S. (2016). Middle range theories: Application to nursing research (4th ed.). LWW.)

Answer preview

Nursing theories can be categorized based on the level of perception. There are two main nursing theories, namely, middle-aged and grand nursing theories. Regardless of whether the concepts are mid-range or grand, there is an establishment of influence and intellectual investigation. The essay will focus on a Grand theory that is used in research. The theory’s assumptions and concepts will also be discussed.


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