Limit of Information Reported

Limit of Information Reported

I will expect you to think critically about First Amendment rights as you develop this essay. Four cases will be presented after these instructions. You are to write your essay ALONE on only one of the cases. In your essay, address the questions posed following the scenario, but make it all flow as though those questions are thoughts you have and know that they must be considered in arriving at a solution to your journalistic dilemma. Do not list the questions within your essay and then answer them individually. You must fully justify the path you choose. In other words, whether you choose a solution that is provided to you within the case scenario or another one you have come up with on your own, you must explain completely why you have made this choice. Refer toat least one (preferably two) previously decided cases (precedents) as partial support for your decision. Remember: The First Amendment is NOT a precedent. Do not start off writing the scenario as it appears in this assignment simply to add words to your essay. You may begin by briefly explaining the dilemma you are facing.

____ 650–900 words (This is a firm minimum and maximum number of words—not one word fewer than 650 nor one word more than 900.). INCLUDE A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOURCES.

____ 12-pt. Times New Roman, double spaced

____ 1-inch margins on all four sides of page

____ Contact info and name in header on every page

____ Indent paragraphs 1/2 inch with NO extra spacing between paragraphs

____ Include page numbers


Answer Preview

In the above case the main dilemma is on the issue of freedom of press as well as privacy. The dilemma is that there was an accident that occurred and it left two girls dead. It has also been established that neither of the girls was driving and the driver in this case survived the accident. To make it worse, it was realized that the driver had been drunk during the time of the accident. The main problem comes in that it was discovered that the two girls that died during the accident…

(870 Words)

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