2016 Presidential Debate

2016 Presidential Debate

Debated at the 2016 Presidential elections in the United States

 “Describe what you feel will be one or two key economic and social issues to be debated at the 2016 Presidential elections in the United States – based on your work in this class. What direction do you feel should be taken in the country in order to solve the specific problems mentioned?”

submit a final thesis statement and outline for your Comparative Politics Project. In the outline show where you will insert your research quotations and citations.

5 pages



Rubric (1)

Answer Preview

In this platform, the presidential hopefuls are asked on what they intend to bring to the well being of the nation. This means that they are asked to comprehensively give ways in which they will tackle problems that currently exist in the American economy. This is very important in making sure that the people that get into power have clear strategies in helping the American…

(1640 Words)

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