Survey of the Exceptional Child

Survey of the Exceptional Child

Adapting Lesson Plans for an Inclusive Classroom

Using one (or more) of the free resources below, write a three- to four-page critique of three lesson plans (one Grade K-5 lesson, one Grade 7-8 lesson, and one high school lesson) in regard to addressing the needs of students with learning disability (LD) or communication disorder (CD).  Make sure to include at least one additional scholarly source beyond those listed below.  Your critique should address the following elements:

  1. Determine the elements of each lesson that would be specifically helpful in addressing the needs of a student with LD or CD.
  2. Generate ideas for adaptations that you might make to the lesson to more effectively support students with disabilities. Discuss research-based strategies that could be used to enhance learning in the lesson.
  3. Identify and describe potential accommodations, modifications, or supplemental services within the context of the lesson that could support the needs of students with LD or CD.
  4. Generate at least five ways that a teacher could leverage learning strategies, social interactions, and behavior supports within the lesson to address student needs.

Sources for lesson plans:

  1. Classroom Resources
  2. Discovery Education
  3. Digital History
  4. Hotchalk Lesson Plans Page
  5. Lessons
  6. Lessons Plans
  7. PBS Teachers

Your critique must be three to four pages in length, not including title and reference pages, and must be in APA format.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

More infor

Week Two Learning OutcomesThis week students will:

  1. Compare and contrast the characteristics, strategies, and assessments associated with learning disabilities and communication disorders.
  2. Explain the existing models for determining a learning disability.
  3. Adapt a lesson plan to incorporate research-based strategies for teaching students with learning disabilities and communication disorders.


AssignmentDue DateFormatGrading Percent
Compare and Contrast: LD and CDDay 3
(1st post)
 Response to Intervention Day 3
(1st post)
 Educator Reflections Day 7Journal3
Final Paper PreparationDay 7Assignment8

Required Reading

  1. Read from your text, Exceptional Lives Special Education in Today’s Schools:
    1. Chapter 5 – Understanding Students with Learning Disabilities
      • Chapter 5 discusses the identification, evaluation, and instructional practices for students with learning disabilities.
    2. Chapter 6 – Understanding Students with Communication Disorders
      • Chapter 6 discusses the identification, evaluation, and instructional practices for students with communication disorders.

Required Website

  1. Center on Response to Intervention at American Institutes for Research (
      • This website includes graphics, articles, and information on Response to Intervention.

Recommended Reading

  1. Ganz, J. B., Cook, K. E., & Earles-Vollrath, T. L. (2007). A grab bag of strategies for children with mild communication deficitsIntervention in School & Clinic, 42(3), 179-187. Retrieved from the EBSCOhost database.

Recommended Websites

  1. Discovery education (
  2. Digital history (
  3. Hotchalk lesson plans page (
  4. Illuminations.  (n.d.). Lessons. Retrieved from
  5. International Reading Association.  (2012).  Classroom resources.  Retrieved from
  6. Jing (
  7. LD online (
      • This website provides resources related to learning disabilities for educators, parents, and students.  LD Online also has resources and articles related to ADHD and communication disorders.
  8. PBS teachers (
  9. TeAchonology.  (n.d).  Lessons plans.  Retrieved from
  10. Voki (

To participate in the following discussions, go to this week’s Discussion link in the left navigation.

  1. Compare and Contrast: LD and CDConsider the characteristics of a student with a learning disability (LD) and a student with a communication disorder (CD).  Compare and contrast the following aspects of LD and CD:
      1. Definition of each disability
      1. Characteristics of each disability
      1. Evaluation of each disability area
    1. Research-based effective instructional strategies, supports, and services

    What are your experiences with working with a student or individual with a learning disability or communication disorder?  Have you found the characteristics discussed in the readings to be accurate?  What further suggestions might you have for teaching students with LD?

    Guided Response:  Review the responses of several classmates and respond to at least two by discussing any similar experiences you have had in working with students with LD or CD.  Provide any additional insights that you found in the readings that you feel relate to your classmates’ responses.

    Carefully review the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate this Discussion Thread.

  2. Response to InterventionChoose one of the research articles/presentations available through the Center on Response to Intervention at American Institutes for Research website.  Summarize the research article you reviewed for your classmates and then discuss your insights on how the RTI model differs from the discrepancy model of identifying a learning disability.  What are the strengths and needs of both models?  What challenges exist in implementing the RTI model in schools?

    Guided Response:  Review your classmates’ posts and comment on at least two with additional ideas regarding the strengths, needs, and challenges of both identification models proposed.

    Carefully review the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate this Discussion Thread.

To complete the following journal, go to this week’s Journal link in the left navigation.
Educator Reflections

This week we have discussed learning disabilities and communication disorders.  As you may have noticed, most students with these disabilities are in the general education classroom either part of, or most of, the school day. What is your comfort level with teaching students with learning disabilities and/or communication disorders in the general education setting?  What challenges do you think you might experience?  What actions can you take to mitigate these potential challenges?

Journal options:

  1. Create a written reflection journal
  2. Create a Jing reflection using a screencast
  3. Create a Voki reflection using a talking avatar
  4. Participate in a peer dialogue reflection, where you discuss the questions above with a peer or colleague and write a reflection based on your discussion

Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your journal entries.

To complete the following assignment, go to this week’s Assignment link in the left navigation.
Adapting Lesson Plans for an Inclusive Classroom

Using one (or more) of the free resources below, write a three- to four-page critique of three lesson plans (one Grade K-5 lesson, one Grade 7-8 lesson, and one high school lesson) in regard to addressing the needs of students with learning disability (LD) or communication disorder (CD).  Make sure to include at least one additional scholarly source beyond those listed below.  Your critique should address the following elements:

  1. Determine the elements of each lesson that would be specifically helpful in addressing the needs of a student with LD or CD.
  2. Generate ideas for adaptations that you might make to the lesson to more effectively support students with disabilities. Discuss research-based strategies that could be used to enhance learning in the lesson.
  3. Identify and describe potential accommodations, modifications, or supplemental services within the context of the lesson that could support the needs of students with LD or CD.
  4. Generate at least five ways that a teacher could leverage learning strategies, social interactions, and behavior supports within the lesson to address student needs.

Sources for lesson plans:

  1. Classroom Resources
  2. Discovery Education
  3. Digital History
  4. Hotchalk Lesson Plans Page
  5. Lessons
  6. Lessons Plans
  7. PBS Teachers

Your critique must be three to four pages in length, not including title and reference pages, and must be in APA format.

Carefully review the Gradilng Rubric for the criteria that wil be used to evaluate your assignment.

Answer Preview
Often, students that are at this level are very young and are just beginning their studies. The substance that is educated at this level is extremely fundamental and this ensures they can have the capacity to shape a foundation for their studies. This helps them to understand more complex issues as they move up the grades. Among elements that can help in addressing children…
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