Decision Theory: Reflection On A Company’s Sales Team
Decision Theory7
Within the context of your local business, organization, or place of employment, you are to reflect on the group that you have worked in. In the paper you are to evaluate the dynamics of the group, assess how information is shared and processed, analyze how the group generated ideas, and contrast positive and negative behaviors. Simply reiterating the experience is not enough. You should show your proficiency at tying in the key concepts gained in the course in light of the experience you are discussing.
Bazerman, M. H., & Moore, D. A. (2013). Judgment in managerial decision making (8th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons. ISBN 13: 9781118065709
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I have been working in a beverage company for the past two years. The company deals with different flavors of juice. The company is controlled by a board of directors and it is divided into various departments that work together to enhance the success of the company. The directors assign different roles to various groups that are formed within the company (Campderrich, Liste, & Estevez, 2017). For the time I have been working in this company I participated in the sales team where our main objective was to increase customers for the company…
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