Business decision making

Business decision making

Create an argumentative essay explaining what makes a good business decision. Use critical thinking in your research to identify the importance of deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning.

Argumentative Essay steps:

A statement of the issue

A statement of one’s position on that issue

Arguments that support one’s position

Rebuttals of arguments that support contrary positionsWrite a 1,050-word argumentative essay on your approved business decision including the following:

  • Discuss why the business decision is good or not good for business.
  • Define the term “good” for the purpose of this situation.
  • Identify the premise and conclusion by placing a number in bold at the beginning of the sentence with the word premise or conclusion. For example: (1, Premise), (2, Premise), (1, Conclusion), (2, Conclusion).
    • Sentences labeled as “1, premise” are premises for the sentence labeled as “1, conclusion.”
    • All premises should be labeled for each conclusion in the article. If a sentence is a conclusion and a premise for another conclusion, place two labels.
    • At the end of the paper, identify one example of how you used deductive reasoning and one example of how you used inductive reasoning.
    • Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

    The uploaded file is what the approved argumentative essay is to be written. I hope this information is helpful and advertises what’s needed to be done.

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Answer Preview

Decision making is a cognitive process where the business objectives are achieved through the implementation and management of the selected alternatives. Decision making is thus becoming a basis of gaining the competitive advantage over the competing firms as well as creating value for the organization. Improved decisions, therefore, are vital for the business…

(1147 Words)

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