America and the Industrial Revolution

America and the Industrial Revolution

Describe the basic industries of America’s Industrial Revolution and explain what made the men who controlled them so successful. Select one industry to argue your point (such as the petroleum industry). Were the men who dominated this industry “robber barons,” as some suggested, or simply good businessmen? Explain your answer.


Explain how immigration affected America toward the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth centuries, especially in the cities, and describe the typical immigrant experience.

Discuss the events that drew the United States into World War I. To what extent did ethnicity play a role in America’s neutrality from1914-1917? How significant was America’s contribution to the war effort? Elaborate


One of the mis-often understood pieces of information in history is the idea of “American Imperialism”…I know what most revisionist historians say about this that we were an Imperial nation……but later this week I am going to dispel this myth, because this is what it really is….a Myth in history, and myths are seldom reality and too many historians and teachers get this wrong!!!


I thought I would mention to all of you something that often occurs with doing a web based researched reference. Never…Never…just give me the web address as this tells the reader nothing from where you drew your material from. Instead try doing the following:

Authors name (if possible), then the title of the article you used, then the date it was posted (if it is there), then the web address and Finally….the date you accessed it.

This is the proper way to format a web reference and if you have any questions….email me.

Answer Preview
Industrial revolution occurred in between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries which led to the urbanization of the agricultural prevailed countryside societies in the United States and Europe. Before the industrial revolution happened, the process of manufacturing was normally being carried out in individual’s dwellings utilizing hand implements and other simple machines…
(806 Words)
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