
Positive learning environment


One thing you can do to set a positive learning environment from the outset is to communicate clearly and warmly with students and their parents. You will learn more in coming courses about building rapport with students’ families, but in this course, you have already formulated answers to many of the FAQs that parents and students will have on the first day of school.

Use the assignments you have already completed in this course to assemble a welcome letter that you can share with students and their parents or guardians on the first day of school.

Include in the letter:

A short introduction about yourself and a section that describes your overall goals for yourself and your students during the coming school year. What kind of classroom do you hope to create? When you envision this ideal classroom, what happens there?
Your classroom rules and consequences

Your classroom procedures for homework, late assignments, and retrieving work missed due to absence. If you need to make any changes to these procedures based on what you learned about FERPA in module 5, do so now.
How parents may contact you



1. Why have you chosen to apply to the University of Washington and what specifically about our program, aligns with your career and/or personal goals and motivates your desire to apply? (Not more than 160 words)

2. If you are a re-applicant, what have you done to enhance your application and experiences since you last applied? If you are not a re-applicant please indicate N/A (NOT MORE THAN 120 WORDS)

3. Please briefly describe a significant setback or challenge you have faced. What have you learned from it, and how have you applied those lessons learned in becoming the person you are today?(NOT MORE THAN 160 WORDS)

4. In your opinion, is there an area in your application that you think is not an adequate representation of you or your abilities, or may be perceived as a weakness? Yes: If “yes”, what is it and what is your explanation for it? No: If “no”, write “No” below.(NOT MORE THAN 160 WORDS)

5. Please describe your experience with the ADEA CAAPID application portal. Did you experience any challenges? Were the instructions clear? Were the fees considered reasonable? (NOT MORE THAN 60 WORDS)

Requirements: added details next to the question in brackets

If you could cover details about me would be great. For question 2- I am not a re-applicant.

Below are the details for reference.


Saraswati Dhanwantari Dental College and Hospital Parbhani, Maharashtra, India

Bachelor of Dental Surgery 2014

The school environment


The topic for the Applied Dissertation (Formation of readiness for high school students to overcome stressful situations) generally comes from the student’s workplace or area of interest. For this assignment, provide a brief (2-3 pages) description of background relating to a particular research problem (or need). An actual problem should be indicated with accompanying evidence.

The paper should be organized based on the headings below. To develop the Statement of the Problem (as illustrated in Creswell, p. 58) should include the following APA headings (Level 2):


This is a brief description of the proposed area of study. Include at least three sentences.

The Research Problem

This is an area of conflict, concern, or controversy (a gap between what is wanted and what is observed). Include the most relevant reference that supports the claim. It is suggested you

Health and well-being


Develop a PowerPoint (with appropriate graphics and activities) for an elementary classroom in 4th grade. The PowerPoint content must deal with health/fitness/exercise knowledge base and activities. One slide must contain one physical activity the child and parent can do together at home. All other slides must contain some physical activities and some academic activities that involve movement in the classroom. There must be a total of 12 slides (this includes title and reference slides). A written summary of your presentation also needs to be submitted with your project in the form of a word document.

Personal information and data


One of the ways in which usability professionals collect data, and for that matter academic professionals, is the use of a survey instrument. In this assignment, you’ll create a paper-based survey instrument evaluating a mobile application or Website. In the assignment, you are expected to include:

Participant Demographic Data (Name, Age, Gender, Location, Education etc.)

Participation Consent
8 – 10 Measurable Quantitative Questions (Using a scale to support measurement, i.e., Likert)
2 – 4 Qualitative Questions

Leverage the literature and textbook examples in your instrument creation. This survey is a PAPER PROTOTYPE not to be completed using a survey instrument such as Survey Monkey.

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