Group contingencies
In situations where using individual contingencies is impractical or when a group’s behavior needs to be addressed quickly, group contingencies are often used. These contingencies are often employed in classrooms to reduce problem behavior, increase academic achievement, and capitalize on peer influence. Research has supported the use of group contingencies as effective methods of altering behavior.
Protagonist dynamic
Following the workshop protocol detailed in this module, write a personal letter to each student in your peer workshop group. The letters should be 250 to 300 words (approximately one page) each.
1. It’s important that you start your letter with what’s working well in the story. In the first paragraph, quote a specific moment that has stayed with you and explain why, in terms of craft. Giving specific praise is important because authors need to discover their strengths so that they can nurture those aspects of their writing.
2. Next, give the author a one-sentence plot synopsis of the story. Remember that a story should have a beginning, middle, and end. If there is something missing (like a clear conflict, turning point or crisis, or ending), then indicate the problem.
Technology-focused model of education
In this assignment you will write a paper that proposes an innovative technology-focused model of education that embraces traditional strengths while preparing students for future roles. Prior to completing this assignment review the Educause (n.d.) webpage and read Trundle (2012).
Instructions: To complete this assignment, the following should be included at a minimum:
A proposal for an educational model which is innovative and technology-focused, embraces traditional strengths of classroom teaching, and prepares students for future
Question Description: Review the website “Test Yourself for Hidden Bias” (
Consider the significance of each “ism” in your pr and personal life. Write a reflective essay in which you:
Summarize your understanding of the patterns which transform personal bias and prejudice into “isms” (Be sure to cite the resources to substantiate your thinking)
Respond to the following questions:
What is the most salient experience in my life directly related to my race?
What have I learned about my comfort/discomfort and biases/prejudices with regard to race?
What new insights, professional and/or personal, about racism did I gain from the article, “Inverting Racism’s Distortions”?
What did I learn about my assumptions with regard to other people’s race, gender, education and/or personal dispositions when I learn that they are wealthy? When I learn that they are poor?
What do I identify as the main reason why some people are financially secure and others are not?
What new insights did I gain, professionally and personally, from the two articles about classism, “The Question of Class” and “The Myth of the ‘Culture of Poverty.’’
Monitoring and education
The field of applied behavior analysis is relatively young. Currently, the BACB has worked with many states to create well-defined processes for becoming a board-certified behavior analyst. Each state has different regulations and laws governing work with clients. As a result, there are steps and requirements for individuals working to become certified that may be unique to a particular state.
The certification requirements of the individual are defined in the BCBA/BCaBA Task List. This document specifies the knowledge and skills required to pass examinations and become a behavior analyst or assistant behavior analyst. As the field of behavior analysis has evolved, the knowledge and skills have been updated to reflect this evolution. The fourth edition of this task list has been in place for many years, and the fifth edition is set to come into effect by January 2022.
For this Discussion, you will examine the web pages of the nonprofit organization Board Certified Behavior Analyst, including the fourth and fifth editions of the BCBA/BCaBA Task List. You will also discuss the importance of mastering the skills and abilities listed.