
Civil law and criminal law.


Answer all questions fully. Answers shall summarize the requested information in a readable format where applicable. Fully cite your source of information at the beginning of the assignment, then explain in your own words the requested information as applicable. All work must be your own, sharing of work is a violation of academic integrity. Neatness (spelling, grammar and appearance) counts.

Short Answer (1 point each)

1. What are the three levels of government in the United States?

2. What are the three branches of government in the United States?

3. Identify ten sources of law in the United States.

4. What are the two functions that are served by the United States Constitution?

5. Explain why the terms “standard” and “code” are ambiguous.

6. Does Congress have the authority to make arson a federal offense?

7. Identify three differences between civil law and criminal law.

8. What level of government has inherent police powers?

9. Where does a court’s jurisdiction come from?

10. Explain the difference between the roles of a judge and a jury during a trial.

11. What is the difference between a municipal volunteer fire department and a volunteer fire company?

American prison system.


Write a minimum 500-word essay on the ways in which race and class operate in the American prison system. In this essay, you must directly draw upon the following two articles: “Masked Racism” by Davis and “Trends in US Corrections” by the Sentencing Project. The above articles will comprise the majority of your attention. Be sure to cite all quotes and also when paraphrasing. However, Finally, your essay must directly utilize at least two concepts from Chapter 5 of our textbook, You May Ask Yourself – Social Control and Deviance to support your argument and one reference to an online video clip Michelle Alexander’s New Jim Crow, Victor Rios, Angela Davis, etc) we watched in this class. No outside websites (or readings) are allowed for this essay. You are only allowed to use the readings and course materials listed above.

Consenting to Sexual Harassment.


Read Case 11.4: Consenting to Sexual Harassment, located on page 420 in your textbook, then respond to the following questions. According to her own testimony, Vinson acquiesced to Taylor’s sexual demands. In this sense, her behavior was “voluntary.”

Does the voluntary nature of her behavior mean she had “consented” to Taylor’s advances? Does it mean they were “welcome?”

Do you agree that Vinson’s acquiescence shows there was no sexual harassment? Defend your position

Chances of divorce and conflict in marriages.


Amato, Brown, and Jones (2006) found that premarital education decreases chances of divorce and conflict in marriages.

Chances of divorce and conflict in marriages.


Amato (2006) found that premarital education decreases chances of divorce and conflict in marriages.

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