
Statutory laws.


The textbook states that when reviewing a statute, to not limit our focus to a specific section.  It also tells us that when we find a statute that appears to apply, to not stop our research.

Sexual orientation.


An evaluation of the motivations of the attacker(s), including the extent to which the attack was motivated by:

Social justice.


Write two pages on the topic what is social justice in the classroom. Use your opionion no citing but plagarism free.

please write about 2 pages In your opionion no citing but plagiarism free

Terrorist attacks.


What do you consider the most critical issues in terrorism moving into the future? What should be the primary focus of those tasked with protecting against terrorist attacks? Be sure to include specific examples based on what you have learned throughout this course.

Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act.


Following the shooting of Michael Brown, an unarmed black youth in Ferguson, MO, and the failure of the grand jury to indict the police officer involved, the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter trended. Some argued that our society is “post-racial” and that #AllLivesMatter. What do you believe?

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