Political Science

Communication and Social Process class encyclopedia


You will keep a record of your reading, observations, questions, and commentary throughout the course, generating approximately 30 pages of double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 point, one-inch-margined text for the semester. Your primary task is this: regular and sustained research, reflection, and writing on any aspects of the course materials that interest you. You do not have to discuss every concept or every figure mentioned in our readings and discussions, but you should discuss many of them. And you should always do so in your own words (see the note below regarding plagiarism). At a minimum, your course encyclopedia should include the following:

Key Ideas  and Practical Application


In each of the units of the course with assigned readings, class members post discussion of three “key ideas,” one from each of the assigned readings.  The key ideas assignment is intended to encourage reflective reading and demonstrate application of the idea within the public sector. A key idea addresses what the student finds to be an important or useful concept. Each key idea entry assesses its importance, strengths and/or weaknesses, practical application, or points of interest or confusion. Key ideas should be briefly linked to news events, societal conditions, or personal experience. Key ideas are about specific concepts from a portion of a reading, though sometimes they are central to an entire reading. Key ideas entries do not summarize entire assigned readings or the posted course notes for the unit.

Lack of Adequate Human Services to Address the Challenges of Children Conceived from Rape


AHS 8300 week 14 thesis presentation: Lack of Adequate Human Services to Address the Challenges of Children Conceived from Rape. You need to begin thinking about preparing a brief narrated presentation of your thesis using PowerPoint or Prezi software for Week #14. Your presentations should be at least 10 to 12 slides in length.

Counterterrorism Strategies


Tittle: Mr
Choose Topic: Writing
Select number of pages: 1.5
Question Description: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
Using the following links, read:
• The United States’ National Strategy for Counterterrorism (NSCT)
• Combatting the Terrorist Threat Through Agility, Persistence and Resilience
After reviewing and assessing the National Strategy for Counterterrorism, perform a brief analysis of the NSCT and detail your key takeaways. In your opinion, do you think this strategy will be successful? Explain why or why not. Support your discussion via meta-analysis utilizing current trending data on the topics related to American Governance and policy.

What is the proper role of government


I’m looking for someone who does not use Chegg or Course Hero or any online cites to provide your answers. The professor checks these other sites as well. If you do this to provide your answers and don’t use your own, let me know immediately so I can choose someone else to assist me. I have been notified that an assignment was linked to Chegg or Course Hero etc.



Question Description: The American Government has faced numerous lawsuits in attempts to balance security and the civil liberties of its citizens. From lawsuits questioning the legality of the USA PATRIOT Act to the separation of immigrant families, research, and analyze where your dissertation focus may face scrutiny if adopted into policy. Within your analysis after identifying the core factors of your research that will face resistance, present data that supports why you feel that your research is needed.

Bench marking


Explore the following website: https://www.surpriseaz.gov/DocumentCenter/View/40558/FY2017-Valley-Benchmark-Cities-Trend-Report. Explain if benchmarks are being met, how do you know. Explain why benchmarking is important in evaluation.

Israeli Occupation


Hello, I need help with my weekly reflection for Sociology class. I will provide you with (1) Powerpoint, (2) the reading, and (3) the YouTube links of the videos we must mention in detail in the reflection. The reflection is not an essay with an intro, body, and conclusion, but rather just shows the understanding of this weeks material and develop an analytical perspective on it. It is highly encouraged to use quotes from both the readings and Powerpoint.



Elected Official Mock Interview- Select an elected state or federal official (legislator) and examine this legislator’s position on a current health care bill of yourchoice. Following the assignment guidelines below, develop an interview paper as if you were going to interview the legislator. Please note: A current health bill is a bill that is actively going through the legislative process and has not become law yet.



Choose whether you would like to run for the Texas House of Representatives OR the Texas State Senate. For all Assessments, the following general requirements hold:

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