
A Critique of Jesus’ Teaching


To be sure, Jesus in His humanity did not know about Bloom’s Taxonomy nor the upgrade by Anderson and Krathwohl, so He did not think about getting his audience to evaluate, or analyze, or apply following the terms we use. Nor did he use active learning strategies—no think/pair/share in the Sermon on the Mount.

Wallace’s Five-Fold Classification and the Passover Seder


Wallace’s Five-Fold Classification and the Passover Seder: In the textbook, Studying Religion Chapter 5 on Ritual, it discusses the typology (classification system) used by Anthony Wallace to help understand “Rituals” (Pages 93-94.) As the book says, Wallace sees religious rituals as aiming to “bring about or to prevent changes”, and he, therefore, classifies rituals into five types according to the types of changes or transformations they are thought to cause or prevent. Read Chapter Five, and especially read the description of the Research Case of the seder, the Jewish ritual meal held in the home during the

Samarian, Babylonian, and Jewish Culture


 Samarian, Babylonian, and Jewish Culture Overview: 3 pages, double spaced, MLA format, Works Cited page, last name and page numbers at the upper right corner of every page. Directions: Pick […]

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