Claim of policy argument

Claim of policy argument

I want you to write 6 to 7 pages about drinking and driving and tell us why that considered as a social issues. It is an essay about Claim of policy argument

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Driving under the influence of alcohol refers to the uncontrollable use of alcoholic beverages and at the same time operating a car. It can also be defined as driving with an illegal Blood Alcohol Concentration. In the United States, it is considered criminal and unlawful to drive with a blood alcohol concentration of above 0.08. Drunk driving has resulted in several deaths and hence caused devastations to many families all over the world. According to the United States Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), about ten thousand four hundred and ninety-seven people died in crashes due to drink driving in two thousand and sixteen (Buckley, Chapman, and Lewis, 2016)…
(1800 words)
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