Describe the nature of the change

Describe the nature of the change.

team paper 300 word

there is only 1 section 300 words as its a team assignment o will provide the first weeks paper to work off of that was the introduction this will be on change

Include the following in the paper:

  • Introduction
    • Industry and organization description
    • Current executive leadership structure
    • How effective the current leadership team is at providing strategic leadership
    • Provide a critique of the organization’s mission statement and strategic vision.
    • Discuss whether or not the long-term vision is adaptive and supports change or is rigid and resists change.
  • Change
    • Describe the nature of the change.
    • Identify the role leadership played during the change.
    • Was the change successful?
    • How did the organization deal with resistance?
    • What influence would mindful leadership have on resistance to change?
    • Discuss the role of intra and entrepreneurial competencies have as applied to organizational leadership during change.
  • Conclusion

Cite at least 2 peer reviewed sources other than your textbook.

Format consistent with APA guidelines.

this is the paper from the first part of the group assignment the introduction part i had the industry and orginization part for this paper i have the .

  • Describe the nature of the change.

please please make sure grammer is proper and no plagarisum my instructor is very picky and this is a group assignment the attachment is last weeks assignment again this is my section

  • Describe the nature of the change.


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The matrix structure is said to have been enhanced in favor of the personnel. This is because it facilitates the easy communication of workers with the senior management. The staff is not required to always seek for approval from their immediate seniors in order to contact the high-ranking executives. They can communicate to them directly since…

(359 Words)

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