Economic crimes.

In a well-constructed, one page essay (500+ words), compare (explain the similarities) and contrast (explain the differences) of the economic crimes (white-collar, blue-collar, and green-collar crimes).

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Likewise, the significance of personal traits, dissatisfaction, envy, and negative emotions leads the criminals to perform the crime in white-collar, blue-collar and green-collar crimes (Anjum & Parvez 2013). Besides, abusive supervision stressful conditions, indistinct job report, employment uncertainty, lack of motivation, intent to quit and company and injustice are the contributing factors to the three types of crime. Similarly, the societal view of damage for all the three types of crimes causes discouragement and lack of hope towards their welfare.

The white-collar, blue-collar and green-collar crimes, in summary, are evil and affects the welfare and wellbeing of the victims. The criminals have to be charged accordingly and face the necessary punishment according to the law. Also, the employers should care about the worker’s opinions and suggestions on their current situations to reduce the level of the crimes.

[672 Words]

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