International accounting and reporting

International accounting and reporting

Title: segment disclosures are widely regarded as some of the most useful disclosures in financial reports because of the extent to which they disaggregate financial information into meaningful and often revealing groups.

Q1. Obtain the most recent annual reports for four FTSE 100 companies of your choice (note: you need to make sure the company chosen have more than one operational segment and thus have meaningful segment notes for analysis). Examine the segmental disclosure is provided in the segment notes of the annual reports by the selected for companies and comment on the following:

a) Based on extracts from the segment note,

– how much and what segmental information is provided in the segment notes?

– discuss whether the companies are in compliance with the relevant accounting standard.

– discuss the similarities and differences between their disclosure practices.

b) What factors could potentially help to explain the differences/ similarities in the segmental disclosure practices of the selected companies?

c) What the segmental disclosures indicate about the relative performance of the segments within each of those companies?

d) Comment on weather information is useful and sufficient to allow shareholders to make informed investment discussions.

e) Discuss the implications of your analysis and findings, such as policy implications.

Note: The following are the chosen companies:


– Analog American PLC

– Antofagasta

Oil & gas producers

– Royal Dutch shell

Answer preview

  1. Extracts from The Segment Note

Through the assessment of the following four companies, the information that is provided in the segment section is detailed and relevant. To start with, the BP and Shell are companies that deal in the oil and gas business and have global operations. These two companies mainly have segments of upstream operations and downstream operations. They also have a portion for the gas sales that they make globally. The companies also have several subsidiaries that they own, and these are also reported as segments of their businesses. Antofagasta PLC is a Copper producer mainly based in…

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