Paper on JUDAISM

Upload in MS Word document an 800-1000 word essay, double-spaced, with proper in-text citations, answering one of the following questions using the Oxtoby readings on Judaism:

1.) Explain how Jewish identity can be based upon religious, cultural, or ethnic elements – or any combination of them.

2.) Describe the experience of visiting B’nai Synagogue. What did you notice about the space? How was it decorated? How was the space organized? How was it being used? Did anything surprise you? What was similar to other religious spaces you have been in? What was different?

3.) How do different Jewish rituals and practices reflect the importance that Judaism attributes to its historical past?

4.) Re-tell the story of Abraham and the binding (almost sacrifice) of Isaac from a 21st century context. Who is Isaac? Who is Abraham? What is his job? Why does he do what he does? Why does he stop? How does Sarah react?

5.) Reflect on one (or more) of the creation narratives we have read and discussed in class–Genesis (Jewish & Christian), Enuma Elish (Babylonian) , Theogony (Greek), and Pyramid Texts (Egyptian). What questions do they answer about why the world is the way it is? What do you find that is true/what do you agree with? What do you disagree with?

Answer preview
Judaism incorporates the religion, culture, and the laws of the Jewish people, which they consider it as the expression of the covenant of God for Abrahams’ descendants. In Judaism, the commandments of Gods are the central laws of guidance and teachings amongst the Jewish. Jewish have diverse beliefs and rituals which reflect the importance of the attributes of Judaism. Judaism, therefore, explains the religious reasons for every practice of Jewish people. Thus, the paper will discuss on how diverse Jewish traditions and rituals replicate the significance that Judaism attributes to its…
(900 words)
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