Organizational Chart

Unit 6 paper

Organizational Chart Exercise

Refer to the exercise on page 193 of your textbook. For this assignment, when it is completed, you should have an organizational chart, minimal qualifications for positions on the chart, justification for these positions, numbers of staff needed, and hours to be scheduled.

Instead of presenting to a group as described in #8, provide a written description of the following:

 Identify any organizational or supervisory relationships that will exist to maintain communication and accountability.

Identify positions and include additional training that will be required for each to prepare individuals for program-specific activities.

I started it but had a brain stomp but here the chart from the book and a resource it on community paramedic in Dekalb co Georgia

Answer preview

Organizational Chart

DeKalb County EMS service requires an effective and efficient organizational chart that not only represents a proactive response to emergencies but also actualize timely response to public outcry. A representation of the DeKalb County EMS organizational chart as depicted where usually there will be a public demand that triggers a response system to the organization through a communicative call service hotline. Paramedic teams governed by a head practitioner employ available resources such as ambulances in a group of at least three medical personnel depending on the level….

(1200 words)

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