Historical context,
1. Think of this essay as a formal history essay, with one centerpiece (the artifact) around which you build your argument. Do not use the first person: Do not start a sentence with
Highly adventurous
In one page provide an overview of the character, including the character’s name, age (or age range), career, social circles, relationships/family, likes, and dislikes.
Historical context,
1. Think of this essay as a formal history essay, with one centerpiece (the artifact) around which you build your argument. Do not use the first person: Do not start a sentence with
The final product for this course will be a final paper completed individually for 30 points total towards your final grade. Students will choose one of two final paper options.
political freedom and cultural diversity
New York City has played an oversized role in Puerto Rican affairs. As the major U.S. port on the East Coast for the Caribbean, the City and the Island were intimately linked since