Plant Science
Observe the growth of a young Pumpkin plant. This plant can either be grown from seeds or start as a young plant. Do not use a mature plant, as there will be very little to write about!
Correct scientific name of the plant
Characteristics of the plant (use the anatomy terms)
Closely related species
Height measurements (remember to use metric units)
Color observations
Age of the plant (easily attainable from the date you start your observations)
Any other plants growing on or near your plant
Observations of the immediate area (what is the plant growing next to?)
Temperature and light conditions
Any fertilizer use or pruning
Any pesticide applications
Frequency of watering (or rainfall)
Any visible damage (either caused by pests or human activity)
Any animals interacting with the plant (bird nests, squirrels, cats, etc.)
Loss of leaves
Development of new structures (fruits, strobili, tendrils, adventitious roots, etc.)
Answer PreviewThe scientific name of the pumpkin plant is Cucurbita. The plant has a yellow flower petal; the leaves are simple and not separated into leaflets. The leaf arrangement is alternate where there is one leaf in every node along the stem. The edges of the leaf blade have teeth and the flower is symmetrical in that it can be divided into two ways. The stem is round and hollow. The flower has five petals and they are attached together into…