Reflection on Personal Experience

Reflection on Personal Experience

Reflecting on your personal experience with organizations (e.g., your college, clubs, sports teams, part-time jobs, internships, etc.), describe your strengths, weaknesses, learning style, values, personality characteristics, motivation needs, etc. (refer to “Managing Oneself” by Peter Drucker and OB concepts).

  •  Identify a specific point in time: for example when you made an important decision (e.g. to join or leave an organization or a team), or when you were highly satisfied or unsatisfied, or when you came to a realization about yourself, etc.
  •  Reflect on the “whys” as it relates to who you are as a person and your tendencies and preferences.
  •  Provide empirical evidence for this description (specific examples).
  •  Include what you have learned about yourself and future career implications. You are to make at least 3 connections drawing on the personality traits, emotional intelligence, learning styles, motivational drives, and other individual OB concepts when reflecting and writing this paper. Advice: Start from who you are, then connect with relevant concepts or principles.

Here is the Grading key:

Clarity of introduction and presentation of thesis 10

Description and relevance of personal awareness 15

Specificity of situation 10

Supporting examples 10

Understanding of supporting course concepts 10

Learning about yourself and your career 10

Wrapping up and reflecting on thesis 5

Development of ideas 5

Compliance to format requirements 5
Quality and depth of Research. 5

Use of 3 sources Focus and coherence 5
Conventions and presentation 5
Voice and tone 5

Answer Preview

During my college life, my experience can be explained in terms of my strong areas, weaknesses, my style of learning, motivational needs, personality characteristics, and much more. During my college life, I developed various strengths while others improved over time. Among my strengths which developed during my college experience included the ability to solve…

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