Role of firefighters and Irony in Fahrenheit 451

Role of firefighters and Irony in Fahrenheit 451

Journal 2 What do firemen do for a living now? Why is Fahrenheit 451 ironic?
Journal 2
Due Thursday by 11:59pm
Points 5
Available Feb 21 at 12am – Mar 3 at 11:59pm 11 days
What do firemen do for a living now? Why is Fahrenheit 451 ironic?

(ironic: happening in the opposite way to what is expected) Write your answer in 7-10 sentences or more, watch spelling and grammar.


Answer preview

The usual role of firemen is to protect society by putting out fires. However, the role of firemen in Fahrenheit 451 is unique and different from the typical role of firemen. To earn a living, the firemen burn books and rebellious households. They are seen as enforcers of peace and happiness. They justify their inhumane acts by claiming that they are doing what is good for the public. These acts of burning books are carried to keep the out society proof of rebels and freethinkers who are alleged to bring chaos…


(400 words)

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