Samarian, Babylonian, and Jewish Culture

Samarian, Babylonian, and Jewish Culture


3 pages, double spaced, MLA format, Works Cited page, last name and page numbers at the upper right corner of every page.


Pick 3 works we have reviewed this semester and discuss how they impacted your understanding of modern cultures. This is a reflective exercise that involves you connecting your own experiences, beliefs, and day to day life with ancient and medieval culture.  Think of how morals, values, and expectations of the people in the past have shaped and influenced our present cultures around the world.


This assignment does not require an introduction nor a conclusion. Instead it should adhere to the following format.

  • Paragraph 1 : First work and how it has impacted you or your understanding of society
  • Paragraph 2: Second work and how it has impacted you or your understanding of society.
  • Paragraph 2: Third work and how it has impacted you or your understanding of society.

Works (Each work a page)

First : Samarian, Babylonian, and Jewish Culture.

Second: Greek and Roman Culture.

Third: Christian Tradition culture.

Answer Preview

The Sumerian culture was in Mesopotamia which is the current Iraq, they practiced a lot of music which was aligned with their religion or way of worship (Knoppers, Gary N). This culture was biased against the women gender since the male dominated and only they were allowed to have many wives women would be stoned in case they had many husbands…

(1002 Words)

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