Israeli Occupation

Sociological concepts


Hello, I need help with my weekly reflection for Sociology class. I will provide you with (1) Powerpoint, (2) the reading, and (3) the YouTube links of the videos we must mention in detail in the reflection. The reflection is not an essay with an intro, body, and conclusion, but rather just shows the understanding of this weeks material and develop an analytical perspective on it. It is highly encouraged to use quotes from both the readings and Powerpoint.

Down below I will attach the syllabus instructions for the weekly and the “Orientating Question” that was emailed to us after the lecture to help guide our reflection. THANK YOU.


TA (Teacher grading assistant) NOTE: “try to bring in more specifics from the lecture, readings and documentary, and cite them. So for example, when you describe Indonesia’s economy, say something to the effect of “As shown in lecture #2″. That makes it easier to see how you’re incorporating the ideas from different sources and gives credit where it’s due.”


Syllabus Instructions

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