knowledge and skills

Talent management


The purpose of the Application Paper is to allow you an opportunity to (a) reflect upon what you have learned in this course, (b) consider how you will apply what you have learned to your career development, and (c) evaluate how what you have learned could improve your organization’s (current or future) talent management strategy and practices. This assignment will allow you to describe how several of the important concepts, principles, frameworks, and findings from this course apply to your career and professional development. The paper is designed as an application paper so that you can discuss and apply any of the TM tools and resources from our course to your career and to your organization. As part of your review and analysis, you are strongly encouraged to consider any course content (frameworks, tools, practices, policies, etc.) that are potentially applicable for your career development and/or your organization. This paper should be written with your current situation in mind and looking to your immediate future (within 12 months or

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