Patient information

Health information management processes.


Develop a release of patient information compliance checklist (3-4 pages) for hospital staff members to follow. Include an introduction that covers the HIPAA Privacy Rule, proper and improper use of health information, and existing controls to protect patient confidentiality and privacy.

Electronic health records and modern communication technologies have made health information increasingly accessible. As a result, maintaining privacy requires the handlers of health information to know and follow release of information (ROI) protocols closely. ROI is also critical to the quality of the continuity of care. ROI also plays a significant role in billing, reporting, and other functions related to patient care processes.

ROI procedures must clearly define privacy and confidentiality, often used interchangeably. However, they are distinctly different concepts. Privacy refers to the freedom from intrusion into an individual’s personal information. Confidentiality refers to the sharing of information with unauthorized users. Confidentiality is usually viewed as an ethical responsibility; however, privacy is more of a legal matter.

Privacy specialists believe that patient information belongs to patients, and they have a right to protect themselves from the potential impacts of having their information available to providers and other users.

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