Using Advanced Market Research to Remain Competitive

Using Advanced Market Research to Remain Competitive

Looking for 3-4 paragraphs addressing the questions below.  Any realistic reference to aviation a plus. Needs to have at least 3 references in APA format.  I am required to check the paper through a  plagiarizer service prior to accepting.

Market research and competitive analysis are typically used in order to determine the feasibility of a new technology. How could you use advanced market research in order to remain competitive? Describe as part of your answer what sources you would use to attain this information and how you would use or apply it to strategically identify new market opportunities?

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Advanced marketing research involves the use of quantitative methods of marketing research so as to get many methods and ways that may be used in the practice of modern marketing (Hooley & Hussey, 1999). For a company to remain competitive…

(350 Words)

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