

Question 1. Discuss in detail the two primary historical schools of thought presented in the text and this week’s lesson pertaining to criminology i.e., the classical and positivist schools of criminology. Further briefly give an overview of the timeline of criminological theory beginning about 1920.


question 2? Briefly compare and contrast life-course theory with evolutionary neuroandrogenic (ENA) theory, as discussed in the week 2 lecture. In doings so, discuss the nature versus nurture notions, as possible causes of criminal behavior.

Question 3. Provide an overview of the text book’s comments and the week 3 lesson content pertaining to social control theorists focus on the reasons why an individual would choose a delinquent subculture and join a gang. In doing so, elaborate on both social control theory, and subcultural theory.

question 4. Provide an overview of the text book’s comments and the week 4 lesson content pertaining to the similarities and differences between outward environmental sociological factors and inward hereditary psychological factors, as the possible cause of criminal based behavior. In doing so, elaborate on explanations of crime and criminal behavior, as presented in the theories discussed in the week 4 lesson.

each answer must be min 500 words with in text citation and 2 references apa format

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Social philosophers brought about the argument on criminal punishment which was more focused on rational approach in the middle of the eighteenth century. Before then, the world had seen the cruel execution of criminals whose aim was to scare people…

(2231 Words)

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